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Date Posted: 13:26:37 11/16/01 Fri
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Re: Claimed
In reply to: Broken Trust 's message, "Claimed" on 15:13:08 11/15/01 Thu

>-: Strike of weathered hoof against virgin soil, an
>arrogant snort reverberating from his ribbed nostrils.
>Broken Trust has claimed this territory as his.

There is a rustling of leaves and a snapping of twigs as the filly emerges forth from the shrubbery, yet remains in the shadows, as though wishing to conceal herself in their depths, though her coloring makes such a thing impossible. Tentatively she steps forth into the light, the sun reaching down in aureate rays to surround her elegant physique in an aureole of seemingly celestial light. Her rose-grey pelt glows softly, a layer of dapples covering it almost completely. Dark, silken forelock falls gracefully forth onto her forehead, which dips gracefully inwards, then rises again to form the muzzle so typical of an Arab which would fit in a teacup. Long and slender yet muscular forelegs shift nervously as she awaits the steed's reaction to her presence.

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