Date Posted:15:49:56 11/20/01 Tue Author: Riders&Jewel Subject: Re: ...silent art... In reply to:
's message, "...silent art..." on 15:41:00 11/20/01 Tue
Femme pulls at the restraints. Kicking one of the mounts, forcing them to fall, the saddle's girth breaking. Forcing the mare to drag the saddle along with her, slowing her down a bunch, she could easily be caught now.
Seeing the mare is loose they ignore it knowing she couldn't get far, but they think better two more heading for her capturing her in a few more ropes to thick to break.
The riders grin at the mare(Monet), ropes having been tied to the saddle all along. They toss another one the same thickness of the ones on Jewel, too thick to break. Tying them to the horn, they begin to lead the mares towards the palace. Hoping they would follow, Jewel does, knowing Damis would save them or they would be freed.