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Date Posted: 17:01:02 11/20/01 Tue
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Boredom
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Laugh" on 16:44:28 11/20/01 Tue

> The riders laugh one going in closing the gate
>behind him. He takes the rope off and climbs over the
>side. Walking back to the gate making sure it was
>locked good.
> They get ready for transporting.

The femme prances around inside the pen, finely shaped head held high, long, curving neck arched like a half-pushed bow. Mane is flung back like a cloud of silk as noble cranium is tossed heavenwards. Sharp onyx hooves pick up a trot, each one touching the ground for a mere instant before springing high up again. Tail is held high, bannered upon the high desert wind, zephyr's fingers combing through her mane. Robust muscles ripple beneath glossy coat, every atom of her elegant physique radiating with energy and power, immense strength apparent even from a distance. Her smooth, flowing strides carry her rapidly around the perimeter of her enclosure, and she moves towards its center, performing a difficult dressage move which was taught to her by humans in hopes that she would grow to be a fine dressage horse, a move referred to as the piaffe. She seems more than the picture of beauty as she flawlessly performs it-indeed, she seems unearthly. She seems like a wingless angel, a heavensent gift--utterly unreal. To ride her would be an undescribable wonder...

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