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Date Posted: 15:29:18 12/25/01 Tue
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Re: Riders (You might all want to read this)
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Riders" on 15:19:27 12/25/01 Tue

> The rider hollasrs flipping a long whip in front of
>him swishing it back and forth tapping her on her nose
>with it a few trimes to stop her, speeding up the
>swishes each time.
>Another hollars trying to get her attention...while/if
>she look over the one holding the whip quickly slips a
>rope over her neck and tightens it enough but not too

She ignores the hollar AND the whip, a desparation to survive-for indeed, she would die if forced back into captivity-overwhelming all other feelings. She rushes at the Rider, bounding the last yard and trampling him, then dashing towards freedom. She wheels and, before anyone can get in her way, is off, running back towards the herd and towards where she last knew Damis Ferar was. Her strides are free and flowing, and swift. Her power: stronger than the fire with all strength it hath, swifter than lightning with its rapid wrath, than the winds with their swiftness along their path, surpassing the sun with its brightness and the snow with its whiteness, as seemingly, in this fateful hour, she calls upon Heaven with all its power, to get her back home safely, forgetting the well-being of the herd in her desparation for protection from the monsters whom are surely on her tail...

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