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Date Posted: 17:57:30 04/05/03 Sat
Author: [ Mesteno ]
Subject: [ Where . The . Wild . Ones . Roam ]

[ Mesteno ]

[ Where . The . Wild . Ones . Roam ]

[ Beneath your solid nadir, the earth is firm and solid as you travel at an easy two-beat gait. A strong equine, only recently have you left your herd of birth to venture out upon your own. Before the world is vast and open, filled with excitement and newness. Filled with both anticipation and trepidation, you travel on, intent upon finding your place upon the herds of Mesteno. As you continue, a sudden ringing cry echoes across the loam and you freeze, startled, eyes and ears alert and focused toward the source of the sound. ]

[ With smooth, powerful strides, a golden dun stallion moves toward you, muscle rippling beneath his bullion pelt. Thick raven tresses spill about his sculpted dial as he stalks closer, head held at a dominant angle. Thorns tilted back, orbs of dark earth hues fix upon you, challenging and judging your worth. His nasal passages flare widely as he halts just a short distance away, his gaze never wavering. For several breathless moments, your gaze meets the powerful stallions. Suddenly he rears high, a second call given before he pivots and returns to his herd of fine mares. You have been accepted by the Guardian of Mesteno. Your path is clear, but your fate is not. Where do you go from here? ]
[ Journey to Mesteno ]

Mesteno is a unique game within the world of equine role-playing, angled toward those with intermediate or above skills, though all are welcome if they are willing to try hard. This game is set up to be easy to use and realistic, yet with a twist a little different than any other game out there. The owner is friendly, on often, and updates frequently. The game has several features unique to it alone. So if you are looking for something a little different to try, take a look around and tell the owner what you think. Even if you don’t wish to play, any advice or suggestions you have to make are welcome as the owner is trying constantly to improve on her work. All links will open into a new window.

[ Mesteno ]

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