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Subject: Re: (ON THE BRINK) WHAT NOW!!!!

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Date Posted: 20:11:11 11/27/01 Tue
In reply to: Tecknic 's message, "(OOC) THAT'S IT?!?!?!?" on 18:47:35 11/27/01 Tue

("Bodies" by Drowing Pool fades over the arena as the fans let out a half hearted cheer for the newcomer HAL. The lights fade dim and then a ominious red light burns over the crowd as HAL comes out. HAL has on an eye patch to cover his lame eye. He has a mic in his right hand and a chair in the other. HAL slides the chair into the ring and then enters himself. Hal sets the chair up int the ring and sits down.....)

HAL: Tecknic..... Tecknic, well basicaly you little turd sandwich let me explain a little something called life to you. Life is all about what choices we make and I see that you chosen to throw your life away. That really pains me teck it really does. It pains me to see a moron like you talk in shit where he don't need to be. I hate it when people make the decision to get in my business, TO take that extra step to get in my way.

(HAL adjusts his eye patch and stands up and begins to walk around the chair.)

HAL: Tecknic you wanna put your 2 worthless pennies in where they aren't needed and I now am left in a position that I don't need to be in. Now I fell obligated to take my size 10 1/2 black shoe and lose it so far up your ass you'll have two tongues and laces stick out both of your dumbo ears. You made the mistake of getting in my way and so don't cry when I smack you outta my way!

(Hal throws the mic to the mat and kicks the chair out of his way. His Music hits as he heads towards the back.)

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