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Subject: :-) One of the funniest books ever written. Not Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter

Christopher Anton (Laughing myself inside out.)
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Date Posted: 06:51:56 10/20/12 Sat

When I first saw this book advertised, I was reluctant to buy it. I'd never heard of the author Christopher Antony Meade and I was reluctant to spend any of my hard earned funds on his novella. After reading the excellent review that accompanies the advertisement, I decided to take the plunge and buy the book. It was a decision I have not regretted. A book of 95 pages should take about four hours to read. “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” occupied my time for about 10 hours. It was just so funny I had to keep putting it down in order to recover from the laughing.
I'm not sure whether the author really is telling the truth when he makes his outrageous claims. You can be certain, though; that there will be very embarrassed faces in the homes of the great and good if this book gets widespread circulation.
It starts off as a conventional enough zombie story. The actual zombie is a cut above the usual run-of-the-mill graveyard refugees. For one thing, he's a very talented classical pianist. When he moves in with a rather naive writer in Wimbledon in South London, he sets in train a series of events that will ultimately bring him to the highest house in the land and an encounter with a rather hapless Barack Obama. Suffice it to say that American brains are on the menu.
Barack Obama also figures large in this book. The story of his ancestry is as strange as it is funny. Osama bin laden is revealed to have been a schoolgirl fetishist. The tale of how he met his end is very far removed from the official version. It makes the Navy seal’s account seem rather pallid as well.
The reader is also treated to some very original and hilarious explanations for such modern controversies, as the real purpose of area 51, or the very surprising cause of chem trails, among others.
I have to say that this book is an imaginative and comic triumph. My only regret about it is that it came to an end. I hope I don't have to wait too long for the sequel. Mind you, I will have to find some way of stopping this laughing. Otherwise, I will be suing Christopher Antony Meade for putting me into this state in the first place.
Available on Amazon.

United States.


United Kingdom (Amazon UK)


You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes.

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