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Date Posted: 18:08:27 11/27/01 Tue
Author: DW and Dream
Subject: Sure
In reply to: Lykanthos 's message, "I'll put them up once you get pics for them" on 16:00:05 11/25/01 Sun

*You looks upon The mystical unicorn as she gazes upon thyself she touches her long spiral horn to your shoulder clouds of darkness fill your visions as a light apears. She is showing you her past you realize and relax*
*The mists of Balinor were growing thicker the frightened beast was worried, you realize that the beast is the Devil's Wind. She canters through the mists lost in her own home running not being able to find her destination. Her black nares quiver with fear, her felt tipped lobes are laced back onto the back of her finely shaped head. She trips and stumbles not knowing where to go she looks in all the directions. She vears off to the right for that was G-d's way. She sees a clearing and slows down. What is this beautiful place? Why was she here? Did the Great unicorn send her all this way to live here? She trots off to the lovely terriory of Sunset Cove and decides to reside there. From then on she meets all the sorts of creatures and has learned hatered for the humans.*

The Dream

As a young colt he entered the Isle of Avalon following his mother at her side. They lived at the end of the rainbow till he was old enough to be on his own. Which he moved out to the Enchanted Valley to live out the remainder of his life. (OOC: am a little clueless on what to write for him)

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