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Date Posted: 21:11:15 10/13/05 Thu

FOR SALE !! Sustanon, deca durabolin, dianabol, clomid, HCG, hGH somatropin/saizen, orgabolin, andriol, proviron, primobolan, winstrol, nolvadex, clenbuterol, Thyroid – T3, T4, THG, ephedrine HCL, EPO/erythropoietin, syringes/needles, equipoise, Methyl 1-testosterone (M1T), Adderall, Methyldienolone, HCA hydroxy citric acid, carnitor/L-carnitine injection, aspirin, insulin, xenical, viagra, glucophage, teslac, cypionate, propionate, anavar, meridia, accutane, norandren brovel, nandrolona ttokyo, reforvit, anadrol, lutalyse, masteron,enanthate,omnadren, denkall testosterone, finaplix, test.suspension, IGF-1,laurabolin, aranesp, reductil, DNP, usnic acid, proscar, MDMA, GHB, Modafinil, Ambien, Ketotifin (Super Clen), soma, Tamiflu, etc

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nkristan_AT_indo_DOT_net_DOT_id ---




Clenbuterol is a very interesting drug which has recently become popular amongst body builders. Clenbuterol itself, is a third generation beta agonist. Clenbuterol's use as a bodybuilding drug item from a number of medical reviews which have cited its outstanding potential to promote muscle gains as well as fat loss. It has been used in parts of England for several years by a limited number of elite athletes.

More recently, due to the steroid crackdown, there have been an increasing number of American bodybuilders that are experimenting with this drug. Clenbuterol is indeed the most intriguing ergogenic aid I have studied with the sole exception of anabolic steroids.

Many athletes who use Clenbuterol claim that it promotes dramatic strength increases and a very noticeable reduction in body fat Some athletes claim that they enjoyed significant gains in muscle mass while using Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol's most valid application seems to be as a pre-contest, cutting drug.

Numerous professional bodybuilders have used it for the last month of contest preparation. Athletes have used between 60-120 mcgs taken in divided doses daily.

Research shows that using it for two days, then taking two days off prevents attenuation. Cycles range from 6-12 weeks in length. With the recent wide scale use of clenbuterol by athletes, we can now gather quite a bit of evidence on what the real world effects of clenbuterol are in weight trainers.

To say that clenbuterol use is rampant in bodybuilding right now would be an understatement. Thousands and thousands of athletes are using this drug. I personally know a number of pro football players, foreign Olympic athletes, and professional bodybuilders who are using clenbuterol. In addition, I have received feedback from at least 200 other athletes who have experimented with this novel compound. Generally, the feedback from clenbuterol users is that the drug produces dramatic body composition alterations.

Within weeks of beginning clenbuterol therapy, many athletes notice a significant strength increase and a dramatic reduction in body fat. The results that occur secondary to clenbuterol administration seem to occur equally in men and women as well as young and old.

The average dosage of clenbuterol used by athletes is 3-4 20 mcg tablets taken in divided dosages throughout the day. At the extremes, some athletes have reported positive effects on as little as 1 tablet a day and others have used up to 10.

Clenbuterol is taken in a 2 day on 2 day off pattern. Athletes using clenbuterol in this manner have reported much greater results than those who use the product continualy which seems to support the theory that attenuation can be at least partially avoided by staggering the dosage. Athletes have also made a habit of cycling clenbuterol in an effort to minimize side effects as well as prevent receptor downgrade.


First, ephedrine has clear fatburning characteristics. On the one hand, this occurs since ephedrine produces heat in the body (thermogenesis). Simplified, ephedrine slightly increases the body temperature so that the body burns more calories than usual. On the other hand, ephedrine stimulates the thyroid gland to transform the LT-4 (L-thyroxine) into the stronger thyroid hormone, thus accelerating the metabolism. The fatburning effect, with the additional intake of both methylzanthine caffeine and aspirin, can almost be doubled. Scientific research has shown that the combination of 25 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, and 300 mg aspirin is ideal to produce a synergetic effect. Those who apply this combination three times daily, approximately 30 minutes prior to a meal, will significantly burn fat. Competing bodybuilders have appreciated this for quite some time.

Second, ephedrine has anticatabolic characteristics. Thus it is especially useful for maintaining the muscle system while dieting. Finally, athletes often use ephedrine as a "training booster." Since it has a mild amphetamine-like effect on the central nervous sys-tem (CNS) it improves the concentration, vigilance, and the interplay of nerves and muscles. For this purpose, 25-50 mg ephedrine are taken approximately one hour before a workout. The athlete feels an immediate boost in energy which during work-out can manifest itself in a 5-10% increase in strength. Again, also in this case, the effect can be improved by taking caffeine and aspirin (s.a.). it is important to note that ephedrine, administered for this purpose, is not to be taken more than three times a week; otherwise, the body gets accustomed to it and the "boost effect" decreases, and much higher dosages are needed.


Description: DNP was originally made as a replacement detonating compound in TNT. When used in humans, however, DNP will raise body temperature by interfering with mitochondria oxidative phosphorylation. The way that this is accomplished in the body is that DNP diverts fatty acids away from ATP production and throws them off as heat instead. Aspirin, clenbuterol, and ephedrine all do the same thing but to a much lower extent. This is why you feel your body temperature rising when using these compounds.

DNP was used as a fat loss diet drug in the 1930's. There was a 1% incidence of users developing cataracts though and since DNP was not listed as one of the ingredients in these dieting drugs, they were pulled from the market.

The thing that makes DNP so alluring to most bodybuilders is that it will boost your metabolism like no other drug out there. With even a low dosage, in the area of 3-5 mg/kg of bodyweight a day, it will rate your metabolic rate 30%. If this dosage is continued daily, it will raise your metabolism by 50%. At this rate you can burn about 1 lb. of fat a day. This product is very dangerous to use though. An overdose of only 4 times the recommended one will kill you. As far as this product raising your body temperature, it can raise it indefinitely as well.

DNP is known for cutting down on T4 to T3 conversion in the liver. For a person that is highly active and on a calorie restricted diet, DNP will deplete ATP within a matter of days. When this happens your body temperature will go back to normal. The only thing you can do at this point is supplement with Cytomel in the dosage area of about 150 mcg/day.

This product is only sold as a research chemical. DNP can be used as an insecticide so that can be a reason for purchasing it if someone asks you.

Effective Dose: For overweight individuals with a bodyfat level over 15% the recommended dosage is between 3 - 5 mg/kg of bodyweight. For non-obese individuals with a bodyfat level less than 15%, the recommended dosage is between 5 - 8 mg/kg of bodyweight. In practical terms, a 200 lb. bodybuilder would need a dosage at 8 mg/kg of bodyweight of 728 mg/day. Keep in mind though that a dosage of 4 times this will kill you about 50% of the time. This is a very high, only 4 times the recommended dosage. This makes DNP a very deadly substance to mess with. Probably the most deadly thing a bodybuilder can take.

Street Price: I have not seen this sold on the street. At some research chemical companies it sells for as low as 500 grams for around $20.

The substance; 2, 4-Dinitrophenol has many other brand names such as, 1 Hydroxy-2,4-dinitrophenol, Solfo Black, Nitrophen, Aldifen, and Chemox are just a few and is among many things, a metabolic stimulant. That is it's popularity here in our world, it burns fat like no other. Let me just tell you of it's other uses before I continue.

First, it is a toxic dye, chemically related to Trinitrophenol (Picric Acid), second, it is found in insecticides, wood preservatives, herbicides, explosives, and is also a hazardous material. Third, it is used in science to couple or attach to DNA molecules. All of this should tell you that it is not a run-of-the-mill metabolic stimulant, like Clenbuterol or Triacana or Ephedrine or any other for that matter.

Rules of thumbs (during on DNP) :

1. Low carb diet is a must (zero carb if it’s necessary)
2. Drink plenty of water
3. Focus on cardio training more than weight training
4. Don’t avoid weight training totally
5. Don’t eat DNP at morning
6. Eat DNP with your meal
7. Try 1 tab a day, if your body can tolerate, then try up to 2 tabs/day.
8. Eat less at morning
9. One meal = 1 tab only
10. Eat multivitamin mineral tab
11. Eat plenty of protein
12. Drink 2 spoons (not teaspoon) of olive oil at morning

That’s it ! If you do all the instructions correctly, you should see six packs abs within 1-2 months.


T4, or L-Thyroxine is a synthetically manufactured thyroid hormone. Its effect is similar to that of natural L-thyroxin (L-T4) in the thyroid gland.

It is often used for a longer time period than L-T3. Bodybuilders use L-Thyroxine to accelerate the metabolizing of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. The body burns more calories than usual so that a lower fat content can be achieved or the athlete burns fat although he takes in more calories. L-Thyroxine (T4) was often used by competing bodybuilders. The athlete no doubt becomes harder. When used properly there are few side effects to L-Thyroxine.

The dosages taken by athletes are usually in the range of 200-400 mcg/day (2 to 3 mcg per kg of bodyweight, for human with age more than 12 years old). I advise that you begin with a small dose and increase it slowly and evenly over several days. L-Thyroxine is a prescription drug and available only in pharmacies. L-Thyroxine is rarely found on the black market.

Also recommended to consume T4 with ephedrine in order to stimulates the thyroid gland to transform the LT-4 (L-thyroxine) into the stronger thyroid hormone, thus accelerating the metabolism (namely, burning more fat).

Substance: liothyronine sodium

This product is not a steroid but some athletes do use it in their pre-contest regimens. It is a thyroid hormone drug. A number of bodybuilders have used it in an attempt to increase their metabolic rate. Technically, it will increase the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Most athletes use this product in an attempt to accelerate lipolysis. Some athletes claim they can use this drug during a pre-competition program and get ripped on a much higher calorie diet.

T3 is a synthetic agent which mimics thyroid hormone which is produced by the thyroid gland. Athletes use this drug. Of those who did use the T3 safely and effectively, one or two tablets a day was the average dosage. This drug should not be used for more than a month without at least a month's off cycle period.

T3 is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid but a thyroid hormone. As a substance it contains synthetically manufactured liothyronine sodium which resembles the natural thyroid hormone tricodide-thyronine (L-T3). The thyroid of a healthy person usually produces two hormones, the better known L-thyroxine (L-T4) and the aforementioned L-triodine-thyronine (L-T3). Since T3 is the synthetic equivalent of the latter hormone, it causes the same processes in the body as if the thyroid were to produce more of the hormone. It is interesting to note that L-T3 is clearly the stronger and more effective of these two hormones.

This makes T3 more effective than the commercially available L-T4 compounds such as L-thyroxine or Synthroid. The manufacturer of the German L-T3 compound, HoechstAG, describes the following characteristics to its Thybon drug, making it clear that L-T3 is superior to L-T4: The synthetically manufactured thyroid hormone, L-triiodine-thyronine (L-T3), in experimental and clinical testing has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4). In school medicine T3 is used to treat thyroid insufficiency (hypothyroidism). Among other secondary symptoms are obesity, metabolic disorders, and fatigue.

Bodybuilders take advantage of these charcteristics and stimulate their metabolism by taking T3, which causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Bodybuilders, of course, are especially interested in an increased lipolysis, which means increased fat burning. Competing bodybuilders, in particular, use T3 during the weeks before a championship since it helps to maintain an extremely low fat content, without necessitating a hunger diet. Athletes who use low dosages of T3 report that by the simultaneous intake of steroids, the steroids become more effective, most likely as the result of the faster conversion of protein.

Until recently, T3 was used by bodybuilders and female bodybuilders, in particular-on a daily basis over several months to remain hard; and in good shape all year round. Believe us when we tell you that to a great extent several bodybuilders who are pictured in muscle magazines; and display a hard and defined look in photos, eat fast food and iron this out by taking T3. The over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace. Athletes also use Clenbuterol which is becoming more and more popular. Those who combine these two compounds will burn an enormous amount of fat. The next time you read that a certain pro bodybuilder approaching a championship competition is still eating 4000 calories a day, you will know why.

T3 is also popular among female bodybuilders. Since women generally have slower metabolisms than men, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain the right form for a competition given today's standards. A drastic reduction of food and calories below the 1000 calorie/day mark can often be avoided by taking T3. Women, no doubt, are more prone to side effects than men but usually get along well with 50 mcg/day. A short-term intake of T3 in a reasonable dosage is certainly healthier; than an extreme hunger diet.

As for the dosage, one should be very careful since T3 is a very strong and highly effective thyroid hormone. It is extremely important that one begins with a low dosage, increasing it slowly and evenly over the course of several days. Most athletes begin by taking one 25 mcg tablet per day and increasing this dosage every three to four days by one additional tablet. A dose higher than 100 mcg/ day is not necessary and not advisable. It is not recommended that the daily dose be taken all at once but broken down into three smaller individual doses so that they become more effective. It is also important that T3 not be taken for more than six weeks.

At least two months of abstinence from the drug needs to follow. It is also important that the dosage is reduced slowly and evenly by taking fewer tablets and not be ended abruptly. Negative side effects can often be eliminated by temporarily reducing the daily dosage. Caution, however, is advised when taking T3 since, especially in the beginning, the effect can be quick and sometimes drastic. Athletes do not use the injectable version of L-T3, this is normally used as emergency therapy for thyrotoxic coma. Those who use T3 over several weeks will experience a decrease in muscle mass. This can be avoided or delayed by simultaneously taking steroids. For the most part, since T3 also metabolizes protein, the athlete must eat a diet rich in protein.


Glucophage is an oral hypoglycemic drug. Glucophage was made to be used to control adult onset diabetes. This drug is will increase the body's ability to transport glucose into the muscle cells much better by increasing insulin sensitivity. This substance will also inhibit the body's formation of sugar by the liver whereby lowering insulin secretion in the body. This substance is very similar to phenformin, that is also an oral hypoglycemic except that phenformin is considered the harsher of the two compounds. Phenformin is considered to be from 5 - 10 times stronger than Glucophage at what it does for the body on a mg. per mg. comparison.

Glucophage has signifigantly less side effects than phenformin has as well. The chance for an overdose causing hypoglycemia with the use of Glucophage is dose related whereas you almost have to take a lethal dose. It is common knowledge that Glucophage will increase insulin sensitivity as well.

As far as bodybuilders are concerned, this product is used as an oral form of insulin. It will cause greater glycogen supercompensation during carb-ups as well as lowering blood glucose for those that are using the BodyOpus or Atkins diet to induce ketosis more easily. Common side effects of Glucophage are a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting. This will become on the next big drugs used by professional bodybuilders in the coming years for its ability as a repartitioning agent and blood glucose disposal agent.

Effective Dose: 1,700 mg. per day in divided doses. You have to take this with meals and with water to avoid stomach upset.

Street Price: Glucophage is very expensive in the US so I would anticipate a rather steep street price as well. Probably about $3 per pill.

Stacking Info: This compound is commonly taken with Creatine in order to help shuttle the creatine into the muscles more effectively since this product increases insulin sensitivity.



Benefits of HGH replacement by injection reported in the medical literature are described below. Benefits are gradually achieved over three to twelve months (depend on the dosage) after restoring growth hormone levels in older patients to normal levels for a healthy young adult. Benefits may continue to increase for up to 18 months or more after beginning therapy.

It’s scientifically well proven that secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland decreases progressively with age. Starting after adolescence, secretion of growth hormone steadily declines until the amount present in older people is a small fraction of younger levels, often less than 10%. This is one cause of many adverse effects of aging, including the following:

1) 5% increase in fat with each 10 years of life

2) Decreases in muscle strength, skin thickness, bone density, physical endurance, mental ability, and immune defenses

3) Skin wrinkles

4) Osteoporosis

5) Alzheimer’s dementia

6) Senility

7) Obesity

8) Fatigue

9) Muscle and organ atrophy

10) And other age-related conditions, which have been reported to improve with HGH replacement therapy.

Benefits reported in published studies include:

15% average decrease in fat.
8% average increase in muscle and lean body structures.
Improved skin texture resulting in a more youthful appearance.
Fewer skin wrinkles.
Increased bone density, reversal of osteoporosis.
Faster healing of any type of injury, fracture, or wound.
Greatly enhanced immunity and resistance to infection.
Enhanced brain function, retention of intellect with aging.
Improvement in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s syndromes.
Improved sex drive.
Improvement in overall physical and mental well-being.
Improvement in sleep disorders, better quality of sleep.
Improved exercise tolerance.
Improved mineral balance.
Improved mood, with less depression and fatigue.
Improved heart and kidney function.

In one study, physicians studied men between the ages of 61 and 80 who were overweight. These men did not alter their diet, exercise, or smoking habits. When they were given HGH, they gained an average of 8.8% in lean muscle mass while losing 14% of their body fat. They experienced localized increases in bone density and their skin became thicker and firmer. The subjects of this study reversed these parameters of aging by 10-20 years!

Month-by-Month Improvements:

First Month: Improved stamina, better and sounder sleep, vivid dreams, feeling more refreshed upon awakening, increased energy, more optimistic attitude and a better sense of humor.

Second Month: Improved muscle tone, improved nail growth, increased strength, weight loss, enhanced sexual function, improved skin tone, better digestion, and better eyesight, especially night vision.

Third Month: More improved muscle tone, hair re-growth, increased sexual desire, less pain, improvement in mental processes, faster wound recovery and less muscle soreness, reduction in PMS symptoms, greater body flexibility, and alleviation of some menopausal symptoms

Fourth Month: Heightened and more consistent improvements, as listed above.

Fifth Month: Impressive weight loss / inch reduction, thickening of skin and greater elasticity, thickening of hair with a shiny, health appearance, improvement in skin texture/appearance, and reduction of wrinkles.

Sixth Month: Cellulite greatly diminishes, eyesight greatly improves, stronger resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses, old wounds are healing or have healed, grayed hair begins to return to natural color, blood pressure normalizes, body is much more contoured, emotional stability is improved, some pain and soreness disappear, exercise tolerance is increased, LDL and triglycerides are reduced, heart rate improves, and immune system improves.


What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
HGH is produced by the pituitary gland in large amounts when we are young, but secretion falls off sharply as we age. Human Growth Hormone promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in the bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports the immune system in combating infection and disease. HGH achieves this by improving movement of amino acids (the building blocks of cells and muscles) across cell membranes. As the body’s cells die off, HGH ensures that replacement cells are healthy and readily available. HGH Factor supplementation supports the body’s ability to self-repair and to delay the aging process.

Why haven’t I heard much about HGH before?
The reason most people have never heard of HGH before is because its cost ($1000-$3000 plus per month) and its administration (injections by prescription only) have limited its exposure to the medical profession, the wealthy and celebrities. The real HGH is only available at pharmacy only, if you can find HGH at local health store such as GNC or other similar stores, then they are definitely fake !

Is HGH therapy safe?
Yes. HGH has been used in the medical community for over three decades with success and has over 60 years of study. Normal HGH use has not been attributed to a single death. Edmond Chein, M.D., and L. Cass Terry, Ph.D., tested over 800 individuals over the age of 40 and reported in their 1995 study that when used correctly, HGH had substantial benefits and no side effects.

Who should NOT take this product?
We normally recommend HGH supplementation for people in their 30’s because that is the age where normally your natural production falls off dramatically. HGH is not intended for use by persons under 21 years old, pregnant woman, those who have or have had cancer. If you fit into any of these categories, we recommend reviewing the ingredients with your doctor before taking this product.

As intelligent individuals, each one of us must decide this for him or herself. But if you’re over 30 and experiencing problems that didn’t exist 10 years ago, maybe these problems are associated with decreased levels of human growth hormone in your blood. By age 30 that level is about one third of what it used to be at age 18. For most people the age of 18 was a time when we took our health for granted. But by the time we reach 30 we may be overweight, lacking energy, etc.

With decreasing levels of HGH as we age, is it a wonder things seem to get worse with time? The following table displays the normal level of HGH in the body measured in nanograms/milliliter of blood. As you can see, there is a dramatic difference between that of an 18 year old and anyone older than 30 (1000 vs.325). It’s no wonder we start going downhill in our 30’s.


18 yrs 1000 nanograms/ml
20 yrs 775 nanograms/ml
25 yrs 500 nanograms/ml
30 yrs 375 nanograms/ml
35 yrs 325 nanograms/ml
40 yrs 300 nanograms/ml
85 yrs 225 nanograms/ml

1. Please identify and describe yourself:
Name: Ellis Toussier Bigio
Year of Birth: 1945 Age: 54
Sex: Male
Height 1.80 meters, 5'11.5"
Weight 154 lbs., 70 kilos

2. Why did you want to take HGH?
In June, 1998 I looked at myself in the mirror, and felt
depressed that I was looking pretty bad... many wrinkles, crows
feet around my eyes, cheeks beginning to sag. I also felt I
was going downhill, in energy, etc. I knew about growth hormone
because I had read Durk Pearson's "Life Extension" and read an
article that appeared in 1992 or early 1993 about growth hormone
in Life Magazine and I had been taking Durk Pearson and Sandy
Shaw's "Be Your Best" which contains 6 grams of arginine per
serving, for three years, 1992 and 1993 and 1994.

3. What changes do you feel after taking HGH for a while?
I felt good immediately, since the first day. I felt optimistic, and a
bit more energetic. I stopped feeling gloomy about the economy, I felt more
like starting new things, like I had when I was younger. The first physical
changes began to be noticeable after about two weeks, slightly...
my face began to look slightly younger, the skin was tightening up...
Then I lost about 1 kilo per month, for 6 months, most noticeably
around my belly. My wrinkles began to disappear, and my crows feet were
completely gone by month 4 or 5... the skin of my hands tightened
up and the dryness in the skin disappeared.

4. What body/mind measurements have changed since you started
taking HGH (e.g. "Tricep diameter increased from 20 inches
to 30 inches")?
I didn't take measurements with a ruler, but I lost 2 or 3
inches of waistline, as measured by my pants. My chest got a
line. My biceps grew, but I haven't measured them. I am not a
body builder or an athlete, and it never occurred to me to measure
them. I am still thin, and I like it like this, but many persons
on this board, for example Marty, and John, who have come to Mexico,
have inspired me to do more exercise, which I do, but not to become
very big, just to feel better.

HDL cholesterol before/after: don't know. Total was about 220. (I will confirm)
LDL cholesterol before/after: don't know. Total is about 170. (I will confirm.)
blood pressure before/after: before, about 120/80 120/70; after, about 100/60 90/60

For how long can you hold your breath?:
I held my breath for 1 minute and 50 seconds when challenged by
my friends... Since then I have held it for 1 minute and 30
seconds many times, as a demonstration, but I don't want to hold
it for 1 minute and 50 seconds any more because I am afraid it isn't
good for my brain. I swam underwater for about 35 meters, in a
swimming pool 25 meters long. To me, the importance of this is
that it indicates my lungs are processing oxygen like a young man.

5. What product(s) did/do you use, and for how long
(e.g. "WonderHGH, for 5 months, starting May 1999")?
Humatrope, by Eli Lilly, 1 i.u. per day (the measurement has
changed... it used to be 6 i.u.'s per week, same amount is now
about 7 i.u.'s per week.) continuously since June, 1998. I
began taking 2 i.u.'s 3 times per week following the indications
of Daniel Rudman's experiment of 1990, then I read "Grow Young
on HGH" by Dr. Ronald Klatz and decided to change to 1 i.u. 6
days per week, then 1/2 i.u. twice per day 6 days per week,
then a little less than 1/2 i.u. 14 times per week, in the new
measurement now equivalent to 1 i.u. per day, every day. When
Humatrope ran out of stock for a few weeks, I bought Norditropin,
by Novo Nordisk. I found it is identical in its effect, and I
suppose it is the same potency but I have not proven this with
blood tests. It is slightly more expensive than Humatrope, but
I think it is identical in its result. Recently I took 2 i.u.'s
per day for about 1 month, then I dropped to 1.5 i.u. per day
for the past month (only because of the cost.) After this
experience, I think 2 i.u.'s per day is probably a very safe
dose without any danger of side effects.

6. Have you noticed any side effects? If so, what are they?
None bad that I have noticed.

7. Where did you hear about HGH?
I read about it in Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's "Life
Extension" then in an article about it in Life Magazine, in
1992, which mentioned the El Dorado clinic in Mexico. I didn't
know where it was, and never found it, or I might have started
taking rHGH in 1993.

8. Where do you buy your Human Growth Hormone?
I started to buy it in a pharmacy, and once I knew I was going
to take it for a very long time, I looked for and found a
wholesale supplier in Mexico City (an approved distributor of
Eli Lilly) that would sell to me.

9. How much does it cost you?
About $180 wholesale price, for Humatrope 15 i.u.'s or $178
wholesale price for Norditropin, 12 i.u.'s. List price of
Humatrope is about $180 dollars for 15 i.u.'s. (exact cost in
dollars depends on peso/dollar parity)

10. Are you under a doctor's supervision.
Now I am. At first I was not.

11. What do you see as the risks of HGH?
None. To me it is only good, nothing bad, and I have never read
any report by anybody that has had any bad side effects taking
1 i.u. or 2 i.u.'s per day. I have read of body builders taking
up to 20 i.u.'s per day, and getting acromegaly, but that is
crazy, in my opinion. Trooper, who corresponded with us at the
beginning of this board, was taking 15 i.u.'s every other day,
prescribed to him by his doctor, and was having terrible pains, in his
words, but very good in every other way for his immune system and
his physical appearance. As soon as he mentioned how much he was taking,
Jay Caplan and I jumped! After receiving our opinion, he cut down
the dose to about 5 i.u.'s per day, and the pains disappeared. We have
not heard from Trooper in many months, so I cannot tell you how
he has been.

12. Has HGH met your expectations or not? Explain.
It has made me feel much better, even though I was not sick to begin
with. I have more energy, I think more positive, like
when I was young... I look better, which is probably a sign of
good health and... I like to look better and younger.

13. What was your baseline IGF-1 measurement before HGH
I never measured my baseline IGF-1, because I started without being
under the supervision of a doctor. I do not recommend what I did
as a good example to follow... but it was not dangerous, per se, not
to know my baseline figure, since there is probably no baseline figure
that would convince me not to take rHGH, at age 52,
(I knew I was standing on the edge of a cliff. I knew that what
was in store for me was a rather rapid physical decline, like my
father and my grandfather and my great-grandfather, before me.)
Dr. Klatz's book, chapter 3 (GH Therapy in 202 Adults) page 34,
Dr. Chein and Terry report the average IGF-1 baseline level of 42
adults was 238.8, and increased to 384.5 after starting rHGH
replacement therapy, but the book doesn't clarify what was the
dose they received, nor does it clarify what was the average age
of this group of persons.

14. What is your baseline IGF-1 measurement now?
My first IGF-1 result (taken at the insistence of my doctor) was
360 ng/ml about 5 weeks after I had started. After I got this
result, and after I had corresponded with Dr. James Hughes on
some board, I decided to try to get my level up to IGF-1 = 500 ng/ml
so I increased the dose to 1.5 i.u.'s per day (with my doctor's
approval). Instead of going UP, my result went DOWN to 270 ng/ml!!!
I was very disappointed with this result. I wrote to Lazarus
Long/Howard Turney who told me that IGF-1 results are not very
reliable, and that I should continue if I am feeling well and
getting results. I have not taken any more tests since then,
but I will take another one soon.

15. When and how much HGH do you take? Describe your
treatment strategy?
Currently I am taking 1.5 i.u. per day, one dose in the morning,
plus 3.4 grams of l-glutamine one dose in the morning
(separately from the rHGH, and on an empty stomach) or at
night. I also am taking EDTA Chelation therapy to reduce levels
of toxic metals from my body, according to the protocol of
Dr. Elmer Cranton, administered here in Mexico City by my
doctor. I also take a small amount of Deprenyl (selegiline) and
Piracetam to help keep my brain from losing neurons, and so that it
gets more oxygen and nutrients, which might also be the cause of loss
of neurons. My complete regimen includes excellent nutrition, a lot
of vitamins, and exercise.

16. Do you replace any other hormones? Which?
I take melatonin and DHEA. I do not replace testosterone, because I tested high, and I do not replace thyroid, because I am thin, and I suppose I have a good level. I have also taken pregnenolone, and recently I started taking androstenedione with tribulus, (and saw palmetto.)

17. Any advice for a person under 40 wanting to take HGH?
If you take more than 1 i.u. per day, you should monitor your
results. Even if IGF-1 tests are not very accurate, if you are
taking a dose higher than 1 i.u. you must take a blood test to
be certain you are not in the vicinity of 1000 ng/ml. I agree
with Dr. James Hughes's recommendation that IGF-1 between 350
and 500 is a good level to aim for, and if you are very young
and also an athlete maybe you are o.k. with a result of 750
ng/ml. After this level, you risk getting the side effects, of
which the worst are carpal tunnel syndrome and the absolute worse,
acromegaly (Gigantism, or Giantism.)

18. Any advice for a person over 40 wanting to take HGH?
Run... don't walk... to the nearest anti-aging doctor, get a
prescription, and start taking rHGH as soon as you can! If you
cannot afford it, or if you are afraid of possible side effects,
of if you are afraid of the injection, or you can't get a
prescription, then start taking amino acids to help release
some growth hormone from your own pituitary. This is probably
less effective than taking rHGH by sub-cutaneous injection, but
better than doing nothing. It is easier to keep your body
repaired than to repair it after the damage has been done.
I have reversed all of the signs of aging in my body to some
degree, but the one that I have reversed the least is my
apparent age... my face... I look maybe 45 years old,
although I feel like when I was 25 or 30. The skin on my face
looks better, and tighter, not as dry, with fewer wrinkles...
but the muscles that started to droop on my cheeks will
probably never go back to their place, without plastic surgery,
which I am not going to have done anytime soon...
On the other hand, I am glad I started to take action at age 52,
and that I didn't wait until age 62, or 72. Looking like I am 45
is better than looking my age, 54, so I am pleased and very
grateful for this. - Ellis Toussier, Sept. 1999

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