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Subject: Thai Pork Salad

on behalf of Anne
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Date Posted: 10:18:02 11/26/01 Mon

Author: Anne
Home Page: Wheelchair friendly Gym Prog starts Sun :)

Thai Pork Salad

Suggestions: For added flavour, try adding 1/4 cup of dry roasted peanuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter. But remember, this will increase the fat content of this recipe dramatically!

Serves: 4 person(s) @ 2 points per serve
Preparation Time: 40 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins


2 Tbsp Thai fish sauce
4 cup cabbage, finely shredded
0.12 tsp cayenne
½ cup cilantro, chopped
400 g lean pork
3 limes, fresh
½ cup mint, chopped
2 Tbsp rice vinegar, seasoned
1 tsp salt
½ cup shallots, thinly sliced
2 cup water, cold


Combine the pork and the juice of one lime in a saucepan.

Cover with the salted cold water and bring to a simmer until the pork is cooked. Minced pork should take about 3 minutes. Other pork will take longer.

Strain the pork in a colander then toss with the sliced shallots, mint and cilantro. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

If you are going to add peanuts or peanut butter, do so now.


For added flavour, try adding 1/4 cup of dry roasted peanuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter. But remember, this will increase the fat content of this recipe dramatically!

Nutritional Information
(Per Serving)

Calories: 146 cals
Kilojoules: 611 kJ
Fat: 1.6 g
Carbohydrates: -
Protein: 25.1 g
Cholesterol: 50.0 mg
Sodium: -
Saturated Fat: -
Fibre: 4.5 g

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