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Subject: southern section meeting

Ernie Broome
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Date Posted: 16:09:21 02/18/02 Mon

Hope everyone out there is selling a few adds and collecting some donations for our meeting ;; Without this extra money programs will be limited for the ladies and also limited on the quality of the meeting; Money goes toward paying for the ladies breakfast for three days and their programs travel and trip on Monday; It pays for the banguet meals, it pays for secretary lunchion, the code panel lunchion, all breaks for coffee at our code panel meetings morning and afternoon for group of 250 not cheap;And by the way we have to pay for a cocktail party on Sunday. We also must pay for our registration person and computer program. We also must provide rooms for the meeting to the Southern Section President and the Iternational President up-scale rooms; Must provide gifts for all prize drawings and gifts for all presidents and their wifes;; As you can see the registration money does not cover anything close to what we will spend so lets sell some adds and collect some money to pay for this great meeting;;; At present time I am looking for two contractors or distributors to provide money for the cocktail party on Sunday in 94 Square D and Southwire provided the money if you have any ideas please contact me; We will need help from our industry to provide all thats needed to host a great meeting;;

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