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Subject: **Sigh** Scamps, I'm sorry if I keep arguing back at your guys' comments. I'm in a debate club, and debaters have a way of using alot of logic or at least I do. Don't give up. I don't wanna lose a friend. I also want you to notice this. The entire time we were arguing, Mystica hasn't poseted on this board. It seems she may have left or is at least considering what you said. Come on. **smiles a little** Friends again?

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Date Posted: 11:28:21 12/14/01 Fri
In reply to: Ferdy , tired of the fighting 's message, "**Sigh**" on 22:14:57 12/12/01 Wed

>Look, all Mystica did was say something true. So she
>said it all in caps, people have different ways of
>writing! Yes, I've seen all the others of Mystica's
>messages. This may be kind of annoying, but Mystica
>isn't being rude or flaming. I've gone through more
>than two years of flaming. This is not flaming. you
>made fun of her and she was kind of offended. She did
>not threat at all. YOU all are being the rude ones.
>You all seem to think you have the rigt of way, but
>you guys are being more annoying than
>Mystica!!!!!!!!!!!!! **stomps off, tired of the
>complaining and fighting**

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if i wanted to argue with you ferdy i coulda kept this going for almost a week, cause im a champion down here, i can convince a eskimo to buy a fride *weak grin* anyway,your right, *shakes ferdy's paw and hugs him(avoiding spikes) yeah, freinds...*smiles*Scamps "Magpie"19:38:34 12/14/01 Fri
    Fiends, but I still think Mystica is annoying.Song19:50:28 12/14/01 Fri

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