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Subject: Hmmmmmmm....

Ferdy, warden of DAB
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Date Posted: 17:12:13 11/21/01 Wed

Ah, so Kitsune and Scamps is gettin' married. How beautiful. **A tear forms in his eye** The weddin's gonna be beautiful. Until then... **lowers himself into the spings and relaxes**

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*runs by (still after song and my towel) looking like a black and white puffball her fur sticking up* "ferdy? howdya know about this?*flatens ears in happiness* "everybody is turning up!"Scamps22:47:03 11/21/01 Wed
Well, while looking through Lancepaws, I came across your message. Me dibbun is growin' up *sniff sniff*(J/K). I find it me character has only growed up in speech and not in age. Kitsune knows my dibbuny side, that is if this Kitsune is the one from the DAB cellars **Looks to Kitsune** Don't worry kitsune, "Ferdy the Maniac" wpn't be joining you for your wedding. Only little calm Ferdy. Oh an' there's gonna be cake afterwards right?Ferdy the warden01:56:50 11/22/01 Thu
AHHHHHHHH all me dibbuns is getting married! And I'm still a dibbun! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You comes an' visits me ya hear?Ferdy the old yet still young warden12:01:22 11/22/01 Thu
Me internet blocks your site Songbrezee, so sadly I can't make to your weddin' *sigh*Ferdy12:08:19 11/22/01 Thu
This is gonna be a great wedding!! And I will be visiting too, and Good job Kitsune at Findin' yer mateDartpaw15:02:32 11/22/01 Thu
Say songbreeze where be your site?Rumpus15:03:55 11/22/01 Thu
Actually I don't know the wedding would be held if it be here, or at greenfern...Dartpaw15:22:08 11/23/01 Fri
Oi baint married!!! Mwahahahhaah! I jus watched a wedding tape o moi mudders, an oi got so many gudd oideas on wot t'do wif dere car!!!Furrtil!!!!!18:46:09 11/24/01 Sat

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