Author: Silv-Chaos & Obscure Demise
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Date Posted: 12:43:47 08/04/02 Sun
In reply to:
Silv-Chaos & Obscure Demise
's message, "...Awakening of the beasts..." on 22:54:23 08/03/02 Sat
She eyes the exit of the cave with much more interest now. If her brother wanted to go out there, she would be first. She stands up, wobbling on the crown of the red, before launching her color swirled silver body into the air. Wings shoot out instinctivefly, and cushion the air holding her afloat. She screeches in surprise and flails her wings, along with her forest green claws and talons. Loosing all support, she crashes into the ground. Standing up, she gazes around, still dazed. Golden ooids blink furiously as she spots her brother. She snarls as she watches another come into veiw, and then again as the two glide together. She tosses her head, her horns slicing the air visiously. She sticks her color slashes nose into the air and toddles out of the cave. She turns back and looks at her brother. She snorts again, waiting momentarily to see if he shall follow, and then walks down towards the lava filled terrein.
The male giggles uncontrolablely as his sister crashes to the ground and eyes her curiously. He watches her go and then runs up to the red, nuzzling her clawed hand quickly before his blue decorated body shoots after the femme. Stumbling often, he manages to catch up to the silver. He walks slightly behind her, his craterlike eyes taking in the landscape as his black head swings back and forth, the hatchling clearly fasinated by the instant change.
The silver snorts and quickens her pace. Her goldwen eyes remain focused ahead of her and her thoughts race. A warrior does not turn back. A warrior does not show pain. A warrior does not show fear. A warrior thinks of the expected and possible and then does the impossible and unexpected... More thoughts of the same sort shoot through her mind as she walks, exploring the land.
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