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Subject: ...Nods...

Silv-Chaos & Obscure Demise
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Date Posted: 12:32:31 08/09/02 Fri
In reply to: HeLl SiNgEr 's message, "(*)studies(*)" on 16:58:45 08/07/02 Wed

The hatchling makes eye contact with her mother and she smiles inoccently. Slightly puzzled she tries to speak.

The bubble, it was scaring me. So, so, I shoot it. Then, it pops, and I'm all tired.

Looking slightly helpless and frustraded she looks up at Hell SInger, hoping for aproval of some sort.

The darker hatchling watches his sister slowly and then looks back to his mother. This was all very confusing. He wanted to shoot balls of yellow light too. Trying o mimic his sisters first movement, he seperates his clawd hands and concentrates on a ball of light. Much to his surprise, a ball of seablue color forms inbetween his claws. Fasinated, he assumes his mother is busy with Chaos and begins to play around with it's size, making it larger and then smaller again. Sudden his claw tips start to go slightly numb and he draws his hands back from a raher large ice ball. The ball shoots forward at a shattering speed and explodes on the roof with a sickening crack, narrowly missing Hell Sigers head. Ice rains about the three slightly and the hatchling stares at the roof, eyes wide. The wide eyed one looks at his mother with surprise and tries to speak, but is to surprised to say much but garbled words.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)startled, she shoots in a protective stance(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 09:38:06 08/10/02 Sat

(*)muscles tense, and scales rigid, her ocules shoot about wondering what the source of that was. Finally gazing in the direction of the shot, her jaw makes a meek seperation when it lands on her son. Disbelieving, she becomes erect(*)

Demise....what was that?

(*)her tone was exactly friendly, seeing that a chunk of hard eyes almost decapitated the her crimson self.(*)

No, matter of fact. Both of you! What is this...this...power? Tell me...now.

(*)the rouge beast lowered her cranium so she could look directly into the eyes of the smaller creatures. The ocules whirled in rings of golden and licking flames, heightened by her inquiry(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ...Surprise...

Demise & Chaos
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Date Posted: 11:43:34 08/10/02 Sat

The silver hatchling stares at her brother, her mouth slightly open in surprise. She nods vigorously at her mothers first question then concentrates on anwering her second, sudden brought into understanding by her words.

Power? Oh... The light bubble... That must be my power. To shoot those, um, light bubbles.

Still confused she shrugs slightly and looks to her mother.

I, I feel kind of tingly in my claws... Maybe, maybe it comes from there...

She clenches her hands into fists, not wanting to test her idea, for she might end up hitting her mom. Demise had come to close...

The smaller male sits on the floor, mouth open in pure shock. He stares at his hands and then the roof of the cavern, then to his sister and then his mother over and over. Unable to understand how he did it, he shugs lightly. and nods as Chaos speaks, agreeing with it.

Chaos has lightning... I guess I have cold blue rocks... Um, what is it called...
He scrunches up his nose in thought, trying to name what it could be, but never having been introduced to ice, he shrugs and looks away from his mother, obviously thinking he has dissapointed her.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ...Outside...

Chaos & Demise
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Date Posted: 13:57:21 08/11/02 Sun

The silver hatchling's ears perk up suddenly and she growls. A warrior hears all and investigates all... Following her newest thought, she races outside of the cavern. Something was wrong in the fiery land, and she wanted to be the first to know what. Electricity tingling in her fingers, she snarls and bolts forward, faster than before. Ignoring for the time her family, she races down towards a small group of dragons on a cliff...

The male watches her go with a slight cry and then glances up at the red.

She's righ tyou know. Somethings wrong on the outside...

He steps slowly towards the door, waiting for his mother to come, or to give him some form of approval...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Nodding, she headed it out*

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 14:21:43 08/11/02 Sun

Yes, something is wrong. Let's go...we'll talk about this later.

(*)Sighing, she awaited her son to exit befor her, and then made he way out into the light(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ...Obscure Demise...

Obscure Demise
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Date Posted: 17:41:32 08/11/02 Sun

The male quickly runs out of the cave after his sister...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Anubis makes his way up to the cave of his mother

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 18:53:15 08/12/02 Mon

Anubis sees his mother and his sister and brother. "Mother, is this my brother and sister" Anubis asked as his eyes turn a stormy cloud grey. "I'm Anubis, I guess I'm your brother. It's good to have someone to play with now" Anubis said as he smiled then walked to his mothers side.

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