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Subject: (*)appearance(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 20:46:46 08/13/02 Tue
In reply to: Fathom 's message, "*he lands nd clears his throat*" on 17:14:33 08/13/02 Tue

(*)having still been outside, the crimson lady made her entrance from the back of her cage, opposite the calling male. Her eyes glowed heinously in the darkness surrounding her, until her winding and weaving finally brought her before him. She gave him the best grin she could, before collasping like a worn out canine. Belly forward, as not to be pained by the friction of the floor, crown resting on a bent forearm, she responded(*)

Yes, Fathom? What is it?

(*)she smirked(*)

And you're lucky my eyes are already down here, or I'd be very disapointed that you felt you couldn't even look at me.

(*)the short simper quickly fell, as a vicious growl flew from her bled lips as she leaned too much upon her midsection(*)

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[> [> Subject: *smirks*

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Date Posted: 18:46:29 08/20/02 Tue

it's just...I didn't even know F&B had a mate before me.Let alone 4 children,3 of which hate me.I don't know what to do.She seems like a whole different dragoness now. *sits on he floor and leans against the wall a few fet from her* It's so different now. *sighs and bangs his head against the back of the wall*

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)grins(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 19:33:34 08/20/02 Tue

(*)she let a lone eye gaze up at him, scales, where an eyebrow should've been, raised(*)

Different? Nothing is different....things have just changed. Drastically, but they have changed all the same. Now it's the duty of the tt to change as well.

(*)a soft simper comes across her, as the monarch watches his antics(*)

Please don't do that, Fathom...you'll hurt my wall.

(*)a hasty wink was thrown to him, before she gathered more breath into her exspansive lungs, lifting her jeweled bosom(*)

Fathom...things change. And it's a very rare thing when change is bad. I have yet to encounter a bad change. Seriously. Just let things roll on, and try to get into the flow. F&B loves you no less than she ever had, probably even more now in this difficult, and trying time. You see...she has to change as well. A whole half of her life has just been thrown back in her face, when she thought it was lost forever. That can do a lot to a creature...especially a strong dragoness as herself. So just see how things go...and don't fret yourself about it...just go with the flow...

(*)her arm made a wavy motion until it was set back down for her flaming crown to rest upon. Heavy lids shuttered, but her strong look of burning paprika remained on the dragon, comely form phasing into a state of relaxation(*)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *bites his lip*

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Date Posted: 16:33:06 08/21/02 Wed

But,the kids.I'm not teir father,et Trance isn't around.I don't know how to be a father...yet,anyway. *he says with a slight grin* I know your right,I jut hope my past never slips.That truly would be awful forme and F&B.But,I never see her anmore.Which is a good ting,mind you. *snors t himself*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: +Punches Fathom+

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Date Posted: 17:34:24 08/21/02 Wed

Who's her? Is that F&B? Arg, I'm sooo cconfused. By the way, go visit her!+Punches him again+ Hurry, before she falls asleep again!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)smirk(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 06:45:26 08/22/02 Thu

(*)ocules quickly slip to watch the human that had popped up and just punched her back-up. These little humans, even though players, were getting quite bold these days. Auds, though, yielding to her, her lips then parted for the dragon(*)

Well, you heard her Fathom. And it's not so bad advice either...quite good, actually. So why don't you go talk to your mate about this? I'm sure you could get much mre cleared up there instead of in here, with me.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *nods*

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Date Posted: 18:20:00 08/22/02 Thu

(*zari gasps* Kitty! You've been eavesdropping!!!!!!!)

*nods* I think I will.Thanx HS. *he flies home*

(la la la la la.spring is in the air.and I am a flower,with nothing interesting to say.)

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