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Subject: (*)she slinks around the caves' formations, until she stands before her mate(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 12:29:19 01/21/02 Mon
In reply to: Fallen 's message, "~Lays down in wait*" on 10:31:04 01/21/02 Mon

(*)she sits, keeping her star-born gaze locked to his(*)
What words do you wish to speak, M'lord?

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[> [> Subject: ~Snorts at the title and swats at her playfully~

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Date Posted: 11:37:43 01/22/02 Tue

Nothing M'Dear.
~He taunts, then turns serious~
Actually, it's two things. First, Forbidden and Black has proven most active at the Edge and the Joining Board.
~He narrows his eyes in thought~
I think that deserves a higher position.
~He pauses and sidetracks~
And I think we should write up and fill more positions. But that wasn't my second thing.
~He hurries on, knowing that he is begining to babble.~
Also, the hatchlings are becoming, Numerous. If some of them don't grow soon, (Is Rhea a Dragoness now? if so, we need to move her name) We should start, well, controlling them. I'd hate to turn down members, but we need adults too.
~He frowns~
That's about all I have to say. Do you have any concerns?
~Looks to her with a thoughtful glance.*

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)her head flows carefully from left to right(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 15:18:12 01/22/02 Tue

Not at all my dear.
(*)she swats back at him(*)
You are quite right. We do have to create more positions and fill them, just the same. And F&B most definitely deserves a higher position. She is quite skilled in her duties and has contributed quite a lot to the foundations of our territory.
(*)she gives a quaint grin(*)
Would that be all, Fallen?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: ~His lips curl~

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Date Posted: 16:42:17 01/22/02 Tue

I'm all thunk out for now. (Exams,,,Yuck!!!)
~He rises and stretches~
I'll go visit the outside. If you think of anything, give a shout. We'll talk about positions and filling them later. (Call me Wendsday if you can. I'll be out for a while, but I'll call you back, promise!)
~He rubs against her affectionatly as he passes to leave.*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)she watches and decides she'd follow a bit later(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 16:44:10 01/22/02 Tue

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