Subject: ...Nods... |
Author: Chaos & Demise
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Date Posted: 10:18:28 09/02/02 Mon
In reply to:
HeLl SiNgEr
's message, "(*)the returning monarch, and mother, plops beside the remaining to, smiling wryly upon them(*)" on 18:20:50 08/30/02 Fri
Dark male nods, smirk fading into a soft frown.
Nope, not well at all...
Chuckles softly remembering the hiding game. A rather pointless ordeal, but none the less enternaining. And tag. It sounded like a rather exciting time, but of course, Chaos was right. She had made a rathger strong point... Popping more food into his mouth, he grins and lays down, tail whipped up his side and front paws tucked in, a rather feline like position. What an intreging family he had. A mother who do doubt was looked up to by all and a very good leader, a sister who had her mind bend soley(sp?) on fighting and a brother who without a doubt, wasn't exactly his type. What a time he woud have with these four...
Silv mistress snorts and nods her agrement while picking up another piece of meat. What a fool! Running and tagging and running and tagging? What sort of game was that? One that obviously was made by the enemy to promote cowardliness. And her own family had fallen for it. Oy, indeed she had work to do... How would they every survive? Remains silent, for once and concentrates on the noises aroun her. Hmmm.... A hatching. Or at lease, that's what they called it... Others like her. Yes, very good. The new generation. None of them would run around like idiots. No, they woud be warriors. Yes, the new generation, the one that would succeed where the old had failed. A bright simper flashes towards the red and she speaks.
Mother, can we go see the new hatchlings? It's an important event, tat I'm sure we should be at...
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