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Subject: ~才Simper~才

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Date Posted: 07:41:41 10/10/02 Thu
In reply to: HeLl SiNgEr 's message, "(*)Sing Fire(*)" on 11:27:37 10/09/02 Wed

~才Simper as he almost, almost that is, speaks playfully~才
"Do you have time to cherish?"
~才Quiet simper lays 'pon the masculine's features quite openly and vocals are again released~才
"M'lady, you spoke in my lair of a question. I have racked my mind in wonder and come to see if you will now ask it."
~才His face goes expressionless all except his eyes which flicker brightly. Respect was the only true feeling that could be told all the others were yet unknown though they were there.~才

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)Sing Fire(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 10:33:06 10/10/02 Thu

(*)A paw went to her noggin, knocking it slightly, a repremand for almost forgetting what she was to question him about. Her smiles was almost sheepish(*)

Ahh yes....I almost forgot. This....

(*)From behind her, never ask a firess how, came and was revealed, the precious carved stone-a marvelously wicked piece. A talon fondles the necklace it sported with prowess, before clutching it to her flucuating breast, oids to he.(*)

This....this most beautiful creation....a priceless gift. I would love to name it, and make its presence known in my lair, but its true calling and dubbing, I fail to know. You wolnd't mind explaining....would you?

(*)Gaze kept to the dragon, dancing in her furious fires, intellect burning to know his response(*)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: ~才Amused~才

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Date Posted: 12:19:37 10/11/02 Fri

~才Flamed one shows amusement through his eyes and he looks at the dragon statuette(sp) with an fired interest, like remembering a favored past.~才
"That reprents something that might have been but never was. It's a part of me. I've always called her Lady Fyre Singer. For her creator used of my flesh and her magic to create her, but..."
~才His eyes cast downward but a small smile is still present.~才
"She was to come to alive through the breathe of the ones who carved her, but her 'mother' creator was killed. I knew magic but not of the life bringing sort. All I have left of my past outside of my family is Fyre Singer. That is why, I guess, I'm so fiercly protective of you."
~才Fire opal eyes meet with the firess's~才
"I don't want to take a chance of losing another I care for. It seemed appropriate, to me, to give my darling Fyre Singer to the Lady HeLl SiNgEr, for you were the only one to give me a chance in this world that I am now so fond of."
~才The dragon released a sigh that was inaudible but clearly seen. Smile again crosses lips then fades into no expression as he looked from the stone Fyre Singer to the firess, feelings again showing only through his eyes. If she was to ask of the 'other' creator he would tell, but did not say anything until her reply was heard.~才

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Sing Fire(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 13:15:18 10/12/02 Sat

(*)How appropraite for this work....bound to be of life, but its chances crushed by the killing of another. In these times....that was life. Sadly, that was life. So that's what it would represent to her, and to her alone. Life--of course on top of everything else that was sacred to its being here. The Lady's fond smile fell against the other Dame of Fyre, feeling akwardly graced to share in part of her dubbing. And both daughter's of fire....that sweetly wicked fire.(*)

Lady Fyre Singer....beautiful.

(*)But in the dragon's tone, she felt something hauntingly melodious about the telling of this stunted creation, she now cradled so firmly. Auds were picking up a deep emotion about this, along with her other senses....especially her heart, which glowed with humbleness inside its dark, stoney casing, at his words of protection. Long, had it been since she had heard such words....yes, since that day....and it made her feel somewhat special to hear them once more.(*)

(*)But more she wished to know, and she knew he knew, she might and probably would ask. So with her hexachord vocals, of the fires' whispers, she questioned(*)

And who was this 'other' creator. Very fond you seem of her....

(*)Opalice oculites glimmered in his, visage elegant in sweeping slopes of astute regality, but so welcoming and open to everything this beautiful brute had to tell(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~才Thought~才

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Date Posted: 18:57:35 10/12/02 Sat

~才Flamed brute watched her in silence carefully receiving her words. Thoguths and memories rush through his mind and he finally releases eerily calm vocals.~才
"The 'other' creator was a creature by the name of Magiess. She was one of my few dear friends. Magiess was by birth a shape shifter and sorceress, but as my friend she was a dragoness I will never forget. A bit crazy though....if it wasn't for her quirkish personaluty I might have fallen for her. She certainly fell for me."
~才Snorts for he remembered the night he had been told of her feelings. Cranium shook with an inward disagreement~才
"Magiess was killed three days later. When she told me about her feelings, I was, well, rather struck awkward. I also knew that because of her lineage she wasn't allowed to have children, yet she wanted a daughter. I agreed to give of my scales, talons, my life blood to give her the thing she wished for most, Lady Fyre Singer. The night we were to bring LFS to life, she was murdered. Magiess had many enemies and I had always been her protector, but I was with my father, his days were drawing to an end. She was murdered by shadows of no being. I found her in a moonlit gully, left for dead. She spoke mumbled words and I became flamed and my talons bronze. She both blessed me and cursed me, then died. Lady Fyre Singer's life thus died as well."
~才Fire opal eyes look down at his black opal talons. They were no longer bronze, the brazen material had begun flaking after the battle between HS and Sipithis and he knew why, but wouldn't voice it not even to himself. The curse was finally giving way to his own blessings maybe...who knew~才

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Fires Singing(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 09:20:00 10/13/02 Sun

(*)Attention was strictly to he, a seldom conquered move. For the sake of life, attention had to be everywhere....but no. It was only for him. Words, silken in their evil comeliness, were stalled, caught in masked awe for the dragon, and the trials of his being. Gaze simply simmered in the crimson waves she created in this dark abyss, while mind was busy piecing things together, who belonged in a coherent relationship.(*)

(*)Ocules now saw the talons he spoke of, now shedding the brown-ashen hue bestowed upon them. He spoke of a blessing, of a curse. Another curse? Even she carried the burden of one. Who would curse such a precious being, though that could be asked of all with a trully dark heart....all fostered cursed souls. But no matter, not now at least. The serenity mask, over her tortured self, settled once more, allowing a small twist of lips to be present. But it soon fell. As did her physical closeness to Magiess' daughter. Closer its base came to the warm terra of her dwelling, and less her mind understood how he could give such a thing to such a creature as unworthy of it as yourself.(*)

I only have one remaining question for you, but this I will let fate answer for me. You have revealed so much to me, priceless knowledge I will forever be humbled to.

(*)Her gaze was so full of revelation, opening herself to him of fire, opening herself to eternity. The simper made a comeback, as Magiess' daughter began to slip down her front, ceasing to move as its foundation paired against her own. Blinkers watched the being, now set upon the ground, watched it entranced and romanced. Finally, the vision was peeled from her, and offered to the brute once again(*)

And because of this, I fear I can no longer be guardian over this life that was given no chance. Too sacred is she, and too unworthy am I, for us to ever be a pair. But I do love it, and ever shall. It was a gift from thee that I shall fail to forget. But it is not mine. It is yours....

(*)The firess took the stance of a quadriped, sparing one limb so its paw could move the gift closer to the dragon. It now sat between them, and she behind her. Back to haunches Hell's Lady returned, beauty pulsing in heated waves around them, so concealed by the nefarious shadows of her trials. But it beamed in her now, and only because of he. And no, not for features or pelt did she confirm her elegance, but to her soul, which this creature so stirred. And if he could ever think to offer her such a priceless life, she was forced to find herself beautiful.....beautifully humbled by this being before her. She seldom let her minded status fall under those around her, but to he she easily would permit it. It was only right. As her revelation came to conclusion, her radiance fled, soon engulfed by the darkness she so willing let become her. But beautiful she would remain....in her own right, at least. And if any chose to see it, more power to them, for beauty was in the eye of the beholder. And for this beholder....to beautiful creations....were right in front of her....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~才Watch~才

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Date Posted: 08:29:19 10/14/02 Mon

~才Ebon, crimsoned flamed beast watched as she spoke and Fyre Singer went to the floor betweenst them. His simper fades in perfect silence as the Lady of Hell voiced her feelings about his stone daughter. Sigh is shown and as amused and slightly pleading eyes stare into her own he too speaks.~才
~才He stops cutting his voice off suddenly. A full smile appears on his features, though rare to others it was becoming easy for him to smile around her. The pleading leaves his eyes, leaving amusement and other feelings in its wake.~才
"If this is what you wish, Fyre Singer will come back to my lair with me. But you were mistaken on being unworthy for in my sight you are most worthy of this little part of me, I would have never given it to anyone else."
~才Talons remain still not yet taking LFS. He watches he could not truly believe what he had just said...it was true, at least in his eyes it was, but he had never been so open spoken with anyone except maybe Magiess, but there were still things he even witheld from her. Why was he becoming like this?~才

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Breath Fire(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 14:18:53 10/14/02 Mon

(*)By his ways, she could tell they were both becoming strangely extraneous. So many things were exuding from them, and both held it as a fantistical enigma. But no matter. Gaze of Hell's songstress was his. Her smile made her answer implicle to he, but her sweet voice decided to make it final(*)

No...you take it. That you've found me worthy of such, is a gift enough. I thank you, HaC.

(*)Arose, the dame did again, her talons taking the dear into her grasp. To the brute she swept, fiery but liquidous motions making her journey silently witnessed. Much closer, now, her voice was less projected, ruben lips moving effortlessly, as the lady offered the priceless.(*)

Thank you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~才Fire's Acomin~才

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Date Posted: 09:06:21 10/16/02 Wed

~才The dragon was quiet listening, his full attention on this crimson shedevil. His voice was lower as she spoke closer to him~才
"Your welcome, M'lady."
~才Being so close the dragon suddenly felt the feelings inside him fight harder against his will and he turns his dial, then reverts cranium to its previous position. Small smile and brute grasps her own talons and kisses them then turns~才
"May we speak again soon, dear HeLl SiNgEr."
~才He looks down at Fyre Singer and he looks down at the orb 'pon his chest.~才
"Maybe one day I'll ask about this priceless gift."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Live By Flame(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 14:02:51 10/16/02 Wed

Whenever, HaC. And may it be soon....farewell...

(*)With a last and concluding grin of sultry charm of a devil, may she be one, the crimson swiveled her form about, and talon-tapped steps, led her off into her conquering darkness(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~才Silent Retreat~才

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Date Posted: 19:47:31 10/17/02 Thu

~才Flamed brute taking Fyre Singer firmly in his paws. Followed her fading figure, but turned once exited from the lair to go in unto his own.~才
"Yes, soon."

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