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Subject: ~才Flames Live Where Darkness Dwells~才

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Date Posted: 07:26:42 01/29/03 Wed
In reply to: HeLl SiNgEr 's message, "(*)Thine Darkess Be Mate(*)" on 08:18:54 01/25/03 Sat

~才Brute chuckles softly as her words reach his ears. Form shifted slightly as vocals were allowed freedom. Words were more of a teasing playfulness than an answer to the firess's question~才
"Whatever thee wishes"
~才Opal tip softly taps against the floor in repition. Eyes sparkle as he awaits her reaction to his words.~才

((Sorry I've had b-ball games ever since Friday cept for Super Bowl Sunday. I'll be on as much as possible. See you soon.))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Thine Darkness Be Mate(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 16:04:17 01/30/03 Thu

(*)A dark fire brewed in her gaze, a smirk pone her toxic lips. She turned her spine to him, pinions hanging like a mysterious cloak of crimson. Her voice came much lower, not only that it was projected to the opposite wall, it just had an enthralling tinge to it. The firess enjoyed times when she could ask like this(*)

Uh, uh....I asked you....

(*)Her admirable jaw angled some, allowing a lone peeker to flash his way, speared member tapping ever-so-softly beside. A saucy grin, and once more, she turned away(*)

(that's cool. I've bee busy too. ttyl)

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Date Posted: 12:16:32 01/31/03 Fri

~才Soft growl was released. Whip unwraps as brute moves forward. Opal talon moves up the backbone of the crimson as a kiss was laid 'pon her jawbone.~才

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Fire Forbidden Fire(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 17:50:38 02/01/03 Sat

(*)A throatal thrumming echos his, as cheek bones rise in reaction to the affection. Tail's tip teased his spinal sensations the same, as words dropped(*)

Should I take that as an answer...or are you still thinking....?

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Date Posted: 19:35:25 02/02/03 Sun

~才Brow raised and he laughed~才
"An answer, my dear firess."
~才Shudders as the affection was returned. Nuzzles her as opalites await to catch her gaze.~才

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 20:09:43 02/06/03 Thu

(sorry, sorry, but i actually couldn't get in here till 2night, even if i went through voy. wierd. but oh well)

(*)She felt his wishes deep in the sensuality she so harvested beneath the facade of ruling. And rotate the fire-brewing fatale did, captivating gaze ensnaring his own, as she drew close to the masculs form, letting cheeks enjoy the feeling of friction and letting her tail toil itself about him. Talons made their way around his form, as an odd thrumming vibrated throughout her throat. Intoxicated did she become with his form, as if he polluted her with a wickedly wonderfully venom. And whether he was, or her mind was making wishful figments, like usual, she sucked it up, ready to become drunk with a seldom enjoyed pleasure(*)

(i just got back from a date with my boyfriend...i'm in a gooood mood...*laughs with a wink*)

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Date Posted: 21:46:43 02/07/03 Fri

((Lol it's aight....i just got back from my b/f's house so i'm in a very good mood too!...o umm HaC has snuck Loh.))

~才As fatale turned a smile belit his face. Kiss was laid 'pon her lips as her talons gripped him as his in turn did her form as well. A sound, a mixture of a growl of a pleasure and a rough purr, was heard. Optics calmly and playfully look to her own before he nuzzled her again. Maw moved down 'pon her neck as he gently nimbled at her crimson scales, tail embraced the firess's own.~才

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HaC and me(asleep but happy)
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Date Posted: 21:50:05 02/07/03 Fri

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 16:32:27 02/09/03 Sun

(*)Still did her internal song sound, as she kept her form lethaly close to his, finding cursed solace against him.(*)

(*)Labrums moved against his form, as spine echoed chills, mostly from his little nibbles, the rest from him as a whole. Kisses kept their blessing pon his regal neck, as paws fell over his vigor, her soul ready to succumb to his. A sensual grin was ever-plastered on her appealing features, as even a sft chuckle jumped from her throat. Huskily, she spoke(*)

I'm not so sure about where this is going, m'love....

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Date Posted: 19:47:38 02/10/03 Mon

~才Shudders overcame him as he responded to her words. Opalites dance playfully as dial moved before the crimson own.~才
"That makes two of us, love."
~才Opal talon strokes her jawline before returning to its previous purpose. If hide had not been of ebony beneath the flames, a blush would have been seen. Kisses were laid 'pon her in quiet repition.~才

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 19:19:06 02/12/03 Wed

(*)As she relished in his attention, she also realized just how much solace the brawner was offering to her, and she humbly took it. She just hoped she was giving the same. A series of nips lined his jaw, until a last tug, sultry in its being, landed on his nearest aud. She chuckled some and then fell silent, a seriousness arriving. She broke her advances, and her hexachord voclas fell, flowing uniquely from her(*)

HaC, I know it is probably known of my business, because I know you have told me so much already...but....

(*)She hesitated, not wanting to seem overly bold and prying(*)

....but, I can't help but wonder if there is any way to bring breath back to your daughter....you just deserve so much more...

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Date Posted: 17:02:12 02/18/03 Tue

((Pardon my absence....trouble with the stupid phone lines at my dad's))

~才Lids slid across opal orbs as he heard her words. Sigh is released as he spoke.~才
"I don't know how."
~才The words could easily be taken for double meaning. Optics were allowed sight. How could his Fyre come to life? There wasn't any way, was there? Ooids flicker as mind lit 'pon an idea.~才
"But I might know someone who might know how."
~才A lot of mights. Dragon gently kissed the crimson's cheek~才
"I told you so much of my own free will. Why did you speak 'pon that so suddenly, Singer?"
~才Asks out of pure curiosity, smile of amusement flickers on the brute's sharp features.~才

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 13:04:10 02/19/03 Wed

I know not.....it seems when I get excited I think about past subjects....things I've kept very dear to both mind and heart....

(*)She glanced up to he, eyes unwavering and the gentle, and yet so not, temptress grin pon her lips. She had lied....but only about the first half of her repartee. She did know why.(*)

And I see and feel how deeply you care for her, especially after that episode with your neice and that dragon, or prince....whatever his title my be. It just struck me....you're passion. So I wondered...

(*)She couldn't tell him exactly why.....it hurt. For it seemed everything that hurt her to say, hurt him more. But the truth.....no, not just yet....(*)

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Date Posted: 16:49:34 02/20/03 Thu

~才Deep chuckle, and a playful smirk comes forth~才
"Ay, passion. Few things work on my nerves as hard as that encounter did. But..."
~才He knew he wasn't getting the whole gist from her. Dial shook softly he also knew something else.~才
"But if he has dealings with my niece it means he is forsaken. They do not allow any of impure blood to live within their realm."
~才Rolls eyes then gaze softens as he nudges her~才
"So that is all? You just wondered?"

((Sorry sucky post but i don't feel good see ya))

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Date Posted: 16:54:48 02/20/03 Thu

~才Deep chuckle, and a playful smirk comes forth~才
"Ay, passion. Few things work on my nerves as hard as that encounter did. But..."
~才He knew he wasn't getting the whole gist from her. Dial shook softly he also knew something else.~才
"But if he has dealings with my niece it means he is forsaken. They do not allow any of impure blood to live within their realm."
~才Rolls eyes then gaze softens as he nudges her~才
"So that is all? You just wondered?"

((Sorry sucky post but i don't feel good see ya))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)Dark Be Thy Flame(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 17:25:38 02/20/03 Thu

(*)A kiss came to the tip os his snout, and it was nursed by her piquant grin(*)

Just wondered....just wondered.....

(*)Tell him, damn it! No! Later.....not just yet.... Her mind's functioning spun. Trying to keep secrets and keep her visage and physicality from displaying, was indeed taxing. Did he know her well enough? Maybe, but what a master was she, as a talon wound its way over his shoulder creating imaginary art on this born masterpiece(*)

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Date Posted: 17:49:41 02/20/03 Thu

~才Opalites study the fatale before he. Amusement showed in a smirk 'pon flame touched lips.~才
"You're not telling me something."
~才Says in playful accusation. It wasn't looks or her eyes that gave it away, it was how she spoke. Shudder runs down beast's crafted spine~才

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 13:14:22 02/21/03 Fri

(*)Her eyes snatched his stare as if in shock, a rolling purr the start of her vocalling(*)

What's this you say?....no telling you something? Such accusations....

(*)The lady turned away, dial tilting in silent wonder the sultry curl of lips yet perfectly evident(*)

....though true as they may be. But the thing is, I'm not even sure about what I should be telling you. It's still a mystery of personal decision to myself. Such secrets plague me, but this would be the tip of the saber, worst than the edge....and I fear it would leave me but a memory...

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Date Posted: 22:07:51 02/27/03 Thu

~才Brute chuckled inside watching her turn. A smirk belit his facade as auds perceived the words. At first they confused him then he slowly understood the comments, all but one?~才
"A memory of what, m'love."
~才It was his usual nature to pry such as this but he wondered at it~才

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HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 18:06:32 03/01/03 Sat

(*)A grin settled pon her enticing looks, as a dear paw cradled his jaw in unspoken passion. Another kiss was bestowed for his lips, and then words seeped through her own, slow and thoughtful(*)

As life turns in another world, for the spirit who controls me....each day is a threat to me.....a threat against my existence. A threat to make me a mere memory of Saber's Edge....

(*)She wished not to say it, but it was the painful truth. Yet no matter what, strong she would stay and try to strive on. Opalites looked to him, bewitching in their fashion(*)

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