HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 18:15:36 03/22/03 Sat
(*)Illuminous orbs of opal fury floated a bit off in the suffocating darkness. There, they watched the dragoness, silent and still. But that would soon change, ye distance would not be closed(*)
Kiesha, it is HeLl SiNgEr. I can see you're in pain, but I wish to warn you. The surface of this place is much to harsh for a birthing mother. I advise you, to use a's behind you.
(*)And with those words, a torch lept into existence just behind the dragoness of Flaris breed. An enormous circle of stones lay just outside of mounds and mounds of instant comfort. The bowl was fashioned in layers of scarfs, and blankets, and fabrics of all kind. Silk and satin, wool and cotton, most trimmed in gold and silver beamed in the meek light. All these things were the result on a raid on a castle, much too long ago to fully remember. It was odd that she had made this nest so long ago, knowing that she had already had one of her own. Funny how things always proved themselves of worth, at some time or another. This was the time, and it would certainly be worth something(*)
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