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Subject: /*\Creep in on Darkness/*\

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Date Posted: 11:59:57 03/22/03 Sat

/*\Female crept in and dropped upon the cold floor eyes of snow closing. Shudder ran through sleek muscled body as flames of purple danced over the more present flames of black over her tougher then steel hide. Saphirre claws ripped up the earth beneath her as she lay still. Another shudder ripped through the female's body as she heaved a sigh. She lay waiting always watching so any whom she disliked would come near her soon to be present clutch./*\

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[> Subject: (*)Fire Forbidden Fire(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 18:15:36 03/22/03 Sat

(*)Illuminous orbs of opal fury floated a bit off in the suffocating darkness. There, they watched the dragoness, silent and still. But that would soon change, ye distance would not be closed(*)

Kiesha, it is HeLl SiNgEr. I can see you're in pain, but I wish to warn you. The surface of this place is much to harsh for a birthing mother. I advise you, to use a nest.....it's behind you.

(*)And with those words, a torch lept into existence just behind the dragoness of Flaris breed. An enormous circle of stones lay just outside of mounds and mounds of instant comfort. The bowl was fashioned in layers of scarfs, and blankets, and fabrics of all kind. Silk and satin, wool and cotton, most trimmed in gold and silver beamed in the meek light. All these things were the result on a raid on a castle, much too long ago to fully remember. It was odd that she had made this nest so long ago, knowing that she had already had one of her own. Funny how things always proved themselves of worth, at some time or another. This was the time, and it would certainly be worth something(*)

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[> [> Subject: /*\Darkest Depth/*\

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Date Posted: 12:59:57 03/23/03 Sun

/*\Female snakey head whipped around to face the other. Ooids glittered in the deep as a dark sigh was given. Head was inclined as thanks as she breathed in deeply. Frame was moved by muscled apendages towards the nest. As fatale reached it saphirre claws played with the materials within it.

Thank you HeLl SiNgEr.

Head swiviled to face the fae and was inclined once more. She moved delicatley for her large form into the nest. Loss stones were cast out and some of the materials were pushed about.

Egg 1
Egg Color- Blue with black flames along botton
Gender- Male
Align- Dark
Breed- Flarie
Body Type- He is rather large and muscular, but still slim for agility and speed. His breed usaully dominates in size over others and he is no execption. Head shape is strong and stubborn looking. However, as his breed indicates he looks very regal and frightfully intimidating.
Scale Color- Flaris have no scales but a thick hide that looks as if flames dance across it. His main flame color is black and his highlight color is bright blue.
Scale Design- I think that was covered above?
Wing Color(s)- Like his body
Wing Type- 5-digit
Wing Design- Very large, longer than his body and tail put together. They are 5 digit and are built the exact same way as his body. They are scales, but have the steel hard hide and the flames. At the tip of each digit there is a long, curved spike always made of the same jewel as their talons are.
Eye Color- Bright Blue
Talons/Spike- Ruby
Encrusted Marks- Amethyst Jewel on Forehead (Level 2 Warrior)

Egg 2
Egg Color- Black with purple flame along the sides.
Gender- Female
Align- Dark
Breed- Flaris
Body Type- She is smaller for her breed but still muscular, and built more for agility and speed. Head shape more delicate looking with a slim but stubborn look. However, as her breed indicates she holds a very regal and frightfully intimidating look.
Scale Color- Main color is black highlight color is bright purple.
Scale Design- Like all of her breed the hide is more like liquid still that flames seem to dance across.
Wing Color- Wings have scales that are still steel hard. Color follows body colors.
Wing Type- 5 digit
Wing Design- Like body
Eye Color- Bright purple
Talon/Spike coloration- Diamond
Distinctive Marking- None
Encrusted Marks- Sapphire stone indicating a Healer

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[> [> [> Subject: /*\Birth of Evil/*\

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Date Posted: 14:47:43 03/25/03 Tue

/*\Female pushed about materials for a little longer then was content. Female growled and grunted for a long while. Three eggs were laid the first was a light blue with no markings and was ice cold. The next was the black with purple flames along the side. The last of all blue with black flames across it's bottom. A deep sigh and female rested her head along some of the silks resting quietly./*\

((I think that I'll give the eggs about to Friday to hatch. Lol I am a very impatient person so we shall say until Friday or Saturday.))

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)Dark Fire Lark(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 12:00:22 03/26/03 Wed

(*)Watched for some while she did, but when new creations were about, so was she, back into her lands of fire. The Ness would need some time, and when the eggs hatched, time to recognize their dam. She was gone, but a congratulations laid in her wake(*)

(sorry about that. But that's a good time...we've all cheated!!!)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: /*\Dark is in Blood/*\

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Date Posted: 00:03:51 08/15/03 Fri

/*\The female layed over the eggs her dark pools flaming. Two of the eggs moved slightly the more purple one cracked a bit across. The blue cracked largely a peice fell off leanding with a metallic clink. She moved around powerful appendage swung around to keep any young from falling over the side./*\

\*/My little ones\*/

/*\Her voice had lost some of her harsh tone. Still it was not as soft as it could have been. The eggs continued to crack and break and in a period of half an hour two young dragonlings wobbled about. The ice blue egg lay unmoving and silent. She had known it would not hatch, milky pools cast over the young./*\

\*/Let's go see the world.\*/

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