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Subject: (*)her heated form slinks about the darkness towards him(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 19:15:47 06/01/02 Sat
In reply to: Fathom 's message, "*back-up dragon enters cautiously* You called,HS?" on 16:39:52 06/01/02 Sat

Yes, Fathom, I did. I wish to discuss this abrupt war with all of you. I wished to have the knowledge of whether or not you were going to fight, and where. I wanred to ask everyone, but you seem to be the only one who has responded. Do you know where the rest of my ranking souls have gotten to?

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[> [> Subject: *nods*

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Date Posted: 17:56:40 06/02/02 Sun

I do not know where the others are.I will fight,i guess,if you want me to.If I fight,I will probably fight in the Moonlit Lair or CS's tt. *waits*

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)grins(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 02:35:59 06/03/02 Mon

If you do fight, I'd like it if you go to the Moonlit Lair....but mind, I'm not making you go....it's your choice.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: **Rushed entry**

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Date Posted: 13:12:22 06/03/02 Mon

((Scream echos through out the cave of this odd place as a girl bolts in, her pride and joy black following her. A get of fire extingushes the ever growing homework monster and the brunette sticks out her tongue. *HA! No more home work monster. That you F&B, I shall now dissapear, to where I should be.* Ah hahahha, stupid homeowkr monster goes bye bye. FINALLY! I have no homework for ONE day. I shall live!!! Sry HS about the inactiveness, but yes, I have alot of homework and I ave finals coming up. NOOOOO Not another way. I started to get tired of them after the third one...))

The black enters quickly, great pinions folding to her side in a rough landing. Black orbs spot the two and she walks up.

You called M'lady? About this war I suppose.

Her orbs catch Fathom's and she smiles. Attention switches back to her queen as she awaits orders and what not.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)nods(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 17:42:02 06/03/02 Mon

Greetings F&B. Yes, it does concern the war. I just wanted to know if you were fighting, and if so, where you would be. But I may need you two to reside for a while.

(*)warm pools of keen optics turn heinous, murderous, and cruel in too short of a time(*)

I'll be taking a trip to the Light South...my son, Anubis, whom everyone has yet to meet, has informed me that I have recieved a death threat...so....

*she slowly smiles, wry and toothy...none of this attitude and annoyance geared towards her back-ups*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: **Reply**

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Date Posted: 20:53:12 06/03/02 Mon

The black nods and watches her queen.

Whatever you command...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *nods*

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Date Posted: 16:35:56 06/04/02 Tue

*nods and grins to his mate,before returning his attention to his queen* I shall go where you go,if I may.I'm not saying you need protection,as I know you can handle yourself,but I wish to fight the lights that would have the nerve threaten my queen. *waits patiently*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)fiery ooids light her elegantly wicked features against the darkness surrounding them(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 20:07:40 06/04/02 Tue

What ever you wish, dark dragon...but hopefully my stay there will be a short one. CS or Redemption are really the only ones I'd be out to fight, without wasting my time, and as you should now, we're not allowed to attck those two individuals...hmm...nor Shadow Shifter.

(*)wings part, as from rises(*)

I shall return to see you all soon, if not sooner. Come if you wish, it's your choice. Watch for newcomers, and do what your dutie entitles you to. Farewell...

(*)with a departing nod, she exits the cave, soon vanishing into her heated atmosphere(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ((Where is she going??))

Confuzzled F&B
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Date Posted: 14:30:20 06/06/02 Thu

>What ever you wish, dark dragon...but hopefully my
>stay there will be a short one. CS or Redemption are
>really the only ones I'd be out to fight, without
>wasting my time, and as you should now, we're not
>allowed to attck those two individuals...hmm...nor
>Shadow Shifter.

>(*)wings part, as from rises(*)
>I shall return to see you all soon, if not sooner.
>Come if you wish, it's your choice. Watch for
>newcomers, and do what your dutie entitles you to.

>(*)with a departing nod, she exits the cave, soon
>vanishing into her heated atmosphere(*)

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