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Subject: (*)laughs in short hisses(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 16:57:26 06/19/02 Wed
In reply to: Anubis (Prince) 's message, "HeLl SiNgEr!!" on 00:53:09 06/19/02 Wed

Of course I can't...just because I'm her lead here, she's in charge there, and I have no control. What's her reasoning for not giving you what you request?

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[> [> Subject: *Devilish smile*

Prince Anubis (That because I'm prince)
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Date Posted: 19:34:17 06/22/02 Sat

Anubis continues to write in the dust. "The power I wish for is to control sand like The Mummy sorta thing, she said no! I tried for summoning skeleton warriors, she said no! I can't think of another power" Anubis writes as he looks at his mother his smile gone and replaced by tears.

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[> [> [> Subject: (*)mother scoops him up, holding against her softened breast plates(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 21:09:10 06/25/02 Tue

Those are some strong powers, Anubis. Shadow Cat controls the sand, like you wish to, and she had to complete the Ordeal. So..is she had to do that to get it...I don't thing BS is just going to hand it to you, huh?

(*)a slow purr rumbles in her, trying to soothe the tears through gluttural lullaby(*)

There must be something else you can ask for...would you like some ideas?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *Nods "yes"*

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 10:05:24 06/26/02 Wed

Anubis wiggles out of his mothers grip and begins to write again in the dust. "Where is my sister Kiss Of Agony? I would like some ideas on powers, after all the dark prince must have some kind of power to protect his mother against the lights" Is what Anubis wrote in the dust as he began to draw pictures of his mother and him in the war, winning.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)she smiles, pleased at his artwork(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 21:03:59 06/30/02 Sun

I have no clue where Agoni is, Anubis. She's seemed to disappear.

(*)she gives an aimless shrug(*)

But about the powers. Uhh...how about conrtrolling darkness. You're Anubis, are you not, one of the gods of death? Control darkness. Be able to make the night unbearable, blind those against you....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~+Anubis+~

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Date Posted: 21:04:38 07/04/02 Thu

A transparent form of the ordeal dragoness floats in, only visable to the little prince. A mischevious grin plays upon her light features and she speaks in a quite whisper into his ear...

My my, you have a problem now don't you? Here, I'll lend you a hand...

Power wanted:
Idea 1: The power to summon small forms of skeletal dragon, which are strong compared to a hatchling but are no match for a full grown dragon. Only one or two at a time.
Idea 2: The power to control sand, but only the top soild. Would be able to cause some damage to a full grown adult, but if sand figures take forms, they shalln't be very solid.
How the power relates to your breed?: Anubis is the egyptian god of the dead, therefore he should have some control over the dead. Secondly, the dead are buried in the sand, so he could have some control over the place in which his people lay.
How the power relates to past expierances?: Obviously he is still just a child and doesn't have many past experiences, but here are a few.
- Anubis's egg was laid in a nest of bones and then covered in sand before it was found be HS
- When anubis was first born, a great sandstorm arose in places not to far from here, as if greating their new commander
Blah blah blah and so on and so forth...
Hope I helped

With that the white form vanishes and the young prince is left with his mother once more...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: **Enters**

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Date Posted: 21:24:59 07/04/02 Thu

The black enters the cave and silently come up to HS and Anubis. She bows to HS and smiles at Anubis.

I'm sorry if bothering you. Anubis the reason you didn't get your power was because you didn't come up with good enough reasons for the questions and your power was to great. The powers other dragonesses, dragons and hatchlings get are small like...

She pauses for a moment.

The power to spit SMALL balls of fire, water or ice from there mouth. All it can really do is give the dragon a small burn. You can if you answer the questions better have the power to lift snad from the ground and move it abit for 7 secounds before it falls back to the ground. Then you have to wait 5 secound before lifting more. Also the stuff Flecks has just told you CANNOT be used for the anwser. Sorry but you have to think them up your self.

She nods to them again.

Good luck.

She then exits the cave.

((Use you imagination. Flecks DO NOT try and help ANYONE! Anubis and the others can think for themselfs. Don't mean to be rude but nots not allowed...))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~+Flashes in again+~

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Date Posted: 07:30:20 07/05/02 Fri

The transparent form flashes in again and a demon-like hissing follows the ebony dragoness's exit. Blue orbs burn black and for a moment, the form looks like a dead dragoness. The form, now visable to HS as well looks back to the two with a playful smirk upon her face.

Well, not to sure how she found that out but oh well. Just modify the answers some.

A low growl interrupts her speach, and a look of passionet dislike crosses her face as she watches the dragoness leave.

She is going at getting herself a bad reputaion!

Her look of disgust changes to one of hidden humor and the silver form bows it's transparent head.

Sorry to intured Queen and Prince of my Brother land, but I was in an exploring mood...

With one that grin at Anubis, the form vanishes.

((Grrr, how do you know I don't play Anubis! I don't, but that's not the point. I could be putting my ideas out because I'm Bored and half the reasons people give you make no sense. And lets see. I do believe these words came directly from you fingers. "Make Stuff UP." Now, that I disapproave. The STUFF should have actually happenend. Grrrr, I've had it with that board...))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)slightly amused(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 10:10:17 07/06/02 Sat

(*)slightly amused at all that had just taken place, the ridges of her ocules raised, she simply snorts, and looks down at her son(*)

Well, they're you go. In one of the most random ways I've ever seen, you just recieved some serious information...aiding and retricting.

(*)with a soft shrug of plated shoulder, her diaderm retires to a forearm, optics burning as they watched the young prince(*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Looks around slighty scared

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 03:46:39 07/08/02 Mon

"I shall modify the information that Flecks has given me and use it. I am bad at coming up with reasons" Anubis writes in the dust as he get up and clears away the writing and copied down what Flecks sad modifing it. Anubis looks up with his dark blue eyes and smiles at his mother.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *a soft smile, for one of such a dark heart, goes to the youth*

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 20:40:01 07/08/02 Mon

Very well...do a good job, though, so you can get your power.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Smirks and jumps on his mom

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 14:46:13 07/10/02 Wed

"Did I mention I'm mischevious" Anubis made the sand write.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)looks downwards with glowing ocules(*)

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 07:08:55 07/11/02 Thu

No, you didn't....but I have asumed that for quite awhile, little darkling.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Laughs*

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 23:05:27 07/11/02 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: <i>So when are you going to see about getting your power?</i>

HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 12:12:03 07/12/02 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Won't let me. They are truly evil.

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 19:35:45 07/14/02 Sun

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)the monarch sighs(*)

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Date Posted: 15:47:07 07/15/02 Mon

That's a shame. Perhaps they will let you when you grow a bit older.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: She refused me

Prince Anubis
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Date Posted: 21:16:29 07/15/02 Mon

"I'm very angry at BS, she won't give me the power" Anubis wrote in the dirt.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*)smiled(*) Don't be, and to make sure you won't....

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Date Posted: 14:53:23 07/20/02 Sat

Go preoccuppy yourself. We're having an activeness check. Sign under, for me, my prince.

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