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Subject: Re: newvision.com

Elvera McCabe
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Date Posted: 17:15:02 09/08/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
In reply to: karen ackels 's message, "newvision.com" on 16:51:43 10/18/02 Fri

>are others using mineral and vitamins from new vision?
> Has it made a difference in their daily lives? Have
>they noticed a difference in health care?
Dear Sir or Madam,

I had just recently email customer service and I haven't gotten any response back. My Issue was that me and my son have used this mineral products back in July and mid August and we sure didn't improve anything so I wanted to know how we can get our refund for the two bottles I believe we just wasted, because it didn't show no improvement on us. Can someone please respond to me by email or phone my number is (928) 674-3233 home and (928) 674-7308 Bussiness, I would appreciate it if someone will respond.

ps: There was also a gentle man name big daddy who use to follow up on us but, apparently we haven't heard from him yet again too... So I believe he just got his money and just forgot us too as well.

Thanks again
Miss McCabe.

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