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Date Posted: 14:56:32 01/10/03 Fri
Author: Badhbh
Subject: Okay..
In reply to: Errin 's message, "Pirates?" on 21:09:23 01/09/03 Thu

Well, of course... anything that is currently listed..including pirates.. you are completely allowed to do, people just haven't used those features yet. I've thought I should send out a plea for more good players when I advertise for Dreamscape. Maybe get some experienced rpgers looking for a challenge... if they'll come...I can give them very detailed jobs..

The war has been on... let me see... the Alliance split off in 3027, and supposedly it is now 3051 or so....
Yikes.. I'm glad you brought that up, I need to change the dates I have on record, at the moment I have it going on about 26 years, which is a bit over the top.
I would say, (after I change it ) nine years or so... but not full time. There have been major lulls, occasional attacks, changes in administration... basically these people have been at odds for nine or ten years, and show no sign of letting up their animosity anytime soon. Their inital reasons for their dissagreement has dissapeared into a general loathing for each other and alot of blaming for the deaths on their side.
I'm thinking of adding some fouled peace treaties and scheming into the history... maybe supply more back-up in their reasons to hate each other, and supply details for people to draw from in the game.

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