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Date Posted: 16:06:24 02/18/03 Tue
Author: Kailia
Subject: details
In reply to: Kailia 's message, "question" on 16:22:30 02/14/03 Fri

OK, to flesh out this idea here... Liam (Fed prisoner) is wanted by someone back in his home system. The bounty hunter was out looking and got word where this person was being held. I was thinking of having the bounty hunter be lizard like creature. About 6 feet when on his hind legs, he can go on all fours or hind legs equally well. He's scaled (obviously), a darker green-brown color, back legs have 3 toed feet with nasty looking claws, front feet are almost as dextrous as human hands but four 'fingered' and also have sharp claws. This creature does have a tail, and is rather slender overall. A lizardish head and forked tongue/sharp teeth sounded good, and I was thinking of making him not breathe oxygen. Maybe having oxygen be poisonous, he has to wear a little mask thing over his nose that connects to a small tank. He breathes carbon dioxide, so the tank can take oxygen and do a little exchange of gases dealio. No deadly weapons, just stuff like stun guns and temporary paralyzing things. Sound good? Any ideas?

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