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Date Posted: 13:42:01 04/24/03 Thu
Author: Badhbh Catha
Subject: Heya!!
In reply to: Jen -- At one time, Makare 's message, ":gapes. stares:" on 07:17:32 04/24/03 Thu

Dead? Absoluetly not.. I will be hanging on with teeth and nails to this game should Dreamscape ever fail (may that day never never never ever come!!).

Fyre is still about.. she is the new president of Tanari. We'd love to have you back... that would in all likelyhood be a very welcome pickup for the site..Venhydra in particular... if you end up coming back as Makare...a character who, I must say, has been admired by the Guardians.
I hope you end up returning..but even if your schedule does not allow it.. I'd love any suggestions or input you have to offer about keeping the game afloat..
The poor RPG's seem to be failing lately..

>Oh wow..still here.. :wavers. looks around in awe:
>I'd almost forgotten about this place..found it hiding
>in my favs.. :skulks in shame beneath a rock. hides:
>A thousand I'm sorries!! I so shouldn't have left
>just like that..esp. without giving warning :blushes:
> But..man..it's still alive! :whees: I was afraid it
>was dying with how unactive it got there for a
>while..glad it didn't though. Great game :runs
>around insanely: Kailia!! Badhbh!! Hhhhiiii!!!
>Oohh, it's great to see at least a few people stuck
>around! :proceeds to pound self over head with rbb.
>falls over: ohh..I'm curious..is Fyre still here as
>well? Just wondering. :wanders around the site: So
>how's it going? I'm tempted to come back..not sure
>though, depends on if I have enough time. And if I do
>rejoin, dunno if it'll be with the ice queen :chuckles:

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