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Date Posted: 16:28:19 09/14/03 Sun
Author: Badhbh
Subject: Nope
In reply to: Chrome 's message, "yet another question (very sorry)" on 16:40:16 09/13/03 Sat

No battle cruiser sales..sorry. There is absolutely no way that any character in this game could afford a battle cruiser and there is no way I want the charcters in this game getting into weapons of that magnitude. I have had some trouble already keeping players from powerplaying and destroying land, vehicles, and even entire buildings. The Rebel hall was destroyed in -one- post near the beginning of the game, and there was a big lull in activity after the first excitement was over. We just do not have enough players to recover from big scale war and destruction like that.

I redid the Shipyard since the person running it is no longer about and I did not include the battle cruisers for sale.. even when they were available they were only able to be purchased by a lisenced government.. in this solar system the entire Rebel government could not afford to buy one and the Fed government could only buy one supported by the 'mother' Federation, which I doubt they would ever do, this being a small system, small scale war.

So..sorry..no battle cruisers.

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