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Date Posted: 15:51:54 11/07/03 Fri
Author: Badhbh
Subject: Concerning Powerplays.

Just so the Shalar/ Chrome dispute can be finalized..here is my view with the rules in mind.
Chrome did powerplay when he said the object exploded...or whatever the exact terminology was. However, it was Shalar's decision that his hand was blown off and he was not obligated to make that decision.

In my opinon, while still against the rules and always annoying, powerplay of an object is really a pretty minor matter in comparison of a powerplay to a person.
However, although it may be annoying, there is always a way out of an object powerplay. Because it is a powerplay, you have the right to regress somewhat and say in your next post that you drop the object before it explodes, duck for cover, or some other saving method, since it was meant to be your decision in the first place.

That is a way to avoid the odd powerplay without making too much of a fuss about it.. if the person continued to powerplay against you then it would certainly pay to politely object and/or contact the owner/guardian..whoever.

Obviously the best way to do any of it is to just say that you shoot at the object and allow the other person to determine contact.

I'll also say, that this situation was somewhat unique in that you guys know each other.. if this happend between two unfamiliar players, it always pays to be patient.. if you don't and blow your top at this person all it is going to do is cause tremendous friction...which frequently ends up in someone quitting or the players ignoring each other completely. If you need to complain, and don't feel you can civilly to the other player, talk to me instead and I'll handle it. It's not tattling..I read everything anyway.

ANYway... this is not a post just to Chrome or Shalar.. so don't feel you need to get defensive, it's just general information in case this comes up again, which it tends to do.

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