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Woodland Supreme
No clear paths lead into this beautiful land, yet if you look closely, you will see small trails which wild animals have forged. Maples, oaks, appletrees, evergreens and many other trees grow here, and wildflowers of every color and shape cover the landscape during spring and summer. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change to brilliant reds, oranges and yellows, mixed with yellowish-greens and a few browns. During this season, forest fires are something you must watch out for because the leaves are dry and brittle and they're also EVERYWHERE, providing good, plentiful fuel for the flames. In winter this land is covered in white, fluffy snow, and the river winding through this place is covered in solid ice. The few clearings in this place are covered with snow which comes up to the horses' knees, and blizzards and hailstorms are something which must be watched out for. This is a land where foals are *almost* safe, except for the wolves which roam in packs searching for food. These are most often seen in spring and summer, when the foals are still young, tender, and unable to defend themselves. All year round, it is best to watch out for patches of poison ivy. Other than these things, the woodlands are a wonderful place to be.
Inquisitive Equines

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