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Date Posted: 16:29:44 03/01/02 Fri
Author: Rapscallion
Subject: Re: The Riders
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Re: The Riders" on 14:21:35 01/19/02 Sat

> They ignore the baracading stallion heading for the
>mares, only a few for the stallion.

Likewise, he all but ignores the few who come, masculine frame rising into the air in a rear, balances 'pon muscular hindquarters, lashing out at those who dare to threaten his harem. Lightly he lands, despite his immense size, and bursts past the Riders, and dashing t'wards the ones heading t'wards Arwen. Swiftly, he swerves in front of them, rising again into a rear, striking out at the leader. Deadly onyx hooves slice through the air with aerodynamic swiftness and precision, and he lands, then whirls, issuing a buck straight at the Rider's mount. Swiftly, he switches his attack to another nearby Rider, ramming into his mount full-force - and that force is very likely strong enough to crush the Rider's leg. He whirls again, and attacks another one, issuing another buck at the Rider's mount. Yet again, he whirls, attacking another. He rears and strikes the Rider with enough force to send it tumbling off its mount's back. Now in the midst of the Rider's, he half-rears, letting out at ear-shattering cry; a challenge to their mounts, and sure to cause chaos.

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