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If you are abandoning a wolf, I consider it best to give the detailed stats of that wolf. You then have a better chance of getting rid of it. If you have too many wolves to play, and your wolf has pups, you an ask someone to play some of them for you here as well. You still need their stats for this, including their family.
If you want to adopt a wolf that is being abandoned, you must post after the abandoner and ask if you can play that wolf. Don't start playing it until you get a response. If you are going to play a pup, they still have the same exact family. You can't just switch their family around.
Sometimes I will fix up this board and fix up all the posts and stuff, making new posts under different wolves' names so that everything is organized and others don't get confused. DON'T WORRY! The wolves that you still want adopted WILL STILL BE THERE!
Note: Some of the message may go to the archive, this board's a bit cuckoo sometimes, but you CAN reply to posts in the archive!! :)
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