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Date Posted: 01:29:52 03/10/14 Mon
Author: Dr. Alfa Alvson (And good health enhancement items)
Subject: Sex products for alfa males and alfa females and those aiming to get so


Please go here to find sex toys and products to enhance potency and pleasure for men and women


Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.


Please go here to learn about herbs with sexual effects - also herbal aphrodisiacs:


Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.


Help for many problems in all organ systems

Hemorrhoids, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, heart problems, over-weight, urinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, Somach problems like IBS - irritable nowel syndrome,acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), bad breath, burns, carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds



Advices and Products for good health, fitness and sex

A lot of good advices to cure common health problems and to give generally good fitness and health. You will also find advices for training, to keep yourself young, to get muscular strength and to get good condition. You can also read advices for excining sex activities, including rectal and genital masturbation.


Help for all types of skin problems and cosmetics

Acne, eczema, rosacea,wrinkles, pspriais, stretchmarks, vitiligo, warts and more. Also comsetics from all the world's good producents for reduced prizes.




RC Models of Cars, Helicopters, Boats, Airplanes, Drones

All types of hobby items, included: Remote controle models of cars, helicopters, airplanes,boates. Chemistry kits, science kits, electronics sets, airsoft guns, building sets and a lot more


Airsoft and Paintball Guns and Tanks

AEG electric, spring and gas driven airsoft and paintball guns and Tanks. Airsoft replicas of real famous guns, modern and historical.



Car and Vehicle Equipment and Spare Parts

Parts for motor, transmission, suspension, breaks, stearing, body, lights, exhaust, fluel lines, cabin, styling, performance, security and more. Also garage tools.




The Benefits, Joys and Danger of the Sunlight

For a long time we have been told to beware of the sun-rays and protect ourselves from the impact of sun rays upon our skin. The truth is probably not as bad and simple. Sunlight gives both benefits, and effects harm by exaggerated exposure.

The effects of sunlight upon the skin is due to the ultra-violet light. These light rays are generally divided in three kinds according to wavelength, UVA with longest wavelength and lest energy in each light quantum, UVB of shorter wavelength, and UVC of shortest wavelength and highest energy.


If the exposure to sun light is moderate, the benefits outnumber the dangers. First of all sunshine has a good effect upon the mental health and well-being, both due to the visible light and to the warming effect.
The UVA rays in the sunlight stimulates the skin to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for the normal composition, growth and regeneration of bone tissue. By to low levels of vitamin D in the body, the bones tend to loose calcium and get thinner and weaker. Newer findings suggest that many people do not get enough of this vitamin through the diet or do not absorb enough from the intestines, and need this stimulation to get good enough levels of vitamin D.

Newer findings also suggest that moderate amount of sunshine does not promote the occurrence of skin cancer. On the contrary, in moderate amounts, exposure to sunshine seems to help prevent cancers of several types., especially breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

The benefit that most people go for when engaging in sun bath, is the browning effect. This effect comes from the UVA rays stimulating the melanocytes in the skin to produce more of the brown pigment - melanin. The increased amount of melanin will protect the skin against the harms of sun-rays, and make you tolerate greater amounts of sun before harmful effects occur. The sun rays also stimulate the upper layer of the skin to grow thicker, and this makes the skin more robust against damage. As long as this thickening is moderate, the thickening is a good effect.


The most visible danger of exaggerated sun exposure is the burning effect caused by the UVB rays. The effect is mostly due to immune cells in the skin releasing histamine. Histamine then causes blood vessels to dilate and also cause other symptoms of acute inflammation. Some cells will also be injured by the sunlight to such extend that they die, causing the upper layer of the skin to flake away.
Exaggerated exposure to sun can cause brown spots - liver-spots. Furthermore it can cause the cancer type called basal cell carcinoma. These effects are caused both from the UVA and UVB rays. This type of cancer looks like brown flakes or brown spots, and may be difficult to distinguish from liver-spots. However, this kind of cancer is little malignant, and is in many cases just a cosmetic problem.

But the UVA and UVB rays from too much sun exposure can also cause malignant melanoma. This cancer consists of melanocyte cells been transformed into cancer cell. Malignant melanoma often evolves from birth marks. This cancer can remain small for a long time, but can also spread and develop very rapidly and swiftly evolve into a serious disease. In its initial stages, the cancer looks like an irregularly shaped and abnormally or irregularly coloured birthmark. People having been exposed to much sun and often been sunburned form an early age, are in special risk for malignant melanoma.

Traditionally skin cancers were thought to be caused by the UVB rays, but newer findings suggest that the whole ultraviolet spectre participates in causing cancers. Therefore using solariums that gives off only UVA rays is not safe from cancer risk.

Too much sun exposure for a long time will increase the speed of skin aging and cause permanent changes in the skin, due to the effects of UVB rays. The wrinkles will multiply and aggravate. Also the blood vessels in the skin tend to become permanently dilated and areas of the skin will often get an abnormal or irregular thickness, some places too thin, other places too thick. Due to the widened blood vessels, the skin will be permanently red.

UVC rays are normally filtered out from by the ozone layer in the upper atmosphaere. Nowadays this layer is wakened over certain areas in certain times. These rays are the most dangerous and easily cause cancer and other types of skin damage.


The best way to get just enough sun exposure to get the benefits, but not so much to suffer the harms caused by sun rays, is just to expose your skin for the sun some time, and then cover the skin by clothes.

The time recomanded for naked exposure vary considerably. A person with brown skin can take much more than a pale person. The same is true about a person with thick skin. As you get used to the sun each year, you will gradually get browner and also tolerate more. If you take sunbath for the first time in the year, and you have not yet get used to the sun, 10-15 minutes may be enough.

However, often you want to expose your skin to the sun rays longer than an unprotected skin can tolerate, and then you have to use some topical sun protection. Sun balms are found with protection from 3 to 30. The protection factor is supposed to tell how many times longer you can be in the sunshine with the balm on, than without the balm. Be aware that the real protection factor may be less than that written on the bottle.

A balm with the factor 20 does not always really have that factor. If you know you can tolerate 0.5 hours exposure without protection, do not think that you really will tolerate 10 hours exposure with a balm of factor 20 on. The balm must also be renewed several times during the time you expose yourself for the sun. That is especially true if you take swims. The balm must neither be too old.

The face is the body part that it is most important to protect against the sun, since the face does not have any clothes on, and accordingly gets longest sun exposure.

Some kinds of nutrition seems to make the skin more robust against the impact from sun rays. It is for example wise to eat much fish and use olive oil in the diet. You should also attend to the news about the ozone layer, and always protect your skin in periods with weakened ozone layer.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items.

TO FIND anti-aging supplements and natural medicines against hypothyroidism, joint pain, heart disease, hemorrhoids, depression, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, other skin problem and much more PLEASE VISIT his web-site:


Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt


Jogging - Health Benefits and How to Do it

Performing regular jogging gives better physical condition and other health benefits. Jogging also gives physical and mental pleasure.


Jogging on a regular basis give a distinct good effect upon the general health, provided it is not over-done. The effects are:

* Jogging makes the heart stronger. It increases the capacity of the blood circulation and of the respiratory system.

* It speeds up the digestive system and helps you get rid of digestive trouble.

* It counteracts depression.

* It increases the capacity to work and lead an active life.

* Jogging makes you burn fat and thereby helps against over-weight.

* If you suffer from poor appetite, jogging will improve your appetite.

* Jogging will strengthens the muscles of your legs, hips and back. However you will not get very big muscles from jogging.

* Jogging makes you sleep better.


Jogging gives you physical and mental joy, provided you do not exhaust yourself. When jogging is done correctly, you will actually feel less tired when you have finished a tour than before you began. You get nice feelings in your muscles during the jogging and afterwards.

You will feel the wind blowing around your body. You will hear the birds singing, the music of running water in the streams, or the sound of waves dashing towards the seashore. During the jogging you will also get a euphoric mental feeling after some time.


The type of clothes you were must be suited to the weather conditions. In warm weather, shorts and a t-shirt is enough. However, it may be useful to carry along an extra piece of clothe in a light back-pack if you run out on a long route, in case the weather aggravates. In colder weather you must add more layers of clothes. In either case, the requirements for the clothes are:

You should use light and soft clothes without any sharp sutures, hard edges or massive folds. They should sit fairly close to your body, but not so close that you feel squeezed, trapped, or so that your movements are hindered.

The clothes should give good ventilation for moisture and sweat and perspiration through the fabric. The fabric should ideally hold water totally out from the outside, but this requirement is difficult to achieve together with the requirement of good ventilation.

You should use fairly soft shoes, but with a good shape fitting the anatomical shape of your feet. The soles should easily bend during the normal movements of your feet, but support well against the ground. The underside of the sole should give friction against any type of grounds, so that you do not slide during jogging. The soles should buffer well against each impact from the ground.


Jogging may be performed in a lot of ways

* Long distance jogging 6-20 km in a moderate speed on even roads or paths.

* Short distance jogging 3-6 km in a high speed.

* Jogging upwards in a steep terrain 3-4 km, in a speed adjusted to the steepness

* Jogging in a hilly terrain with paths going both up an down 4-8 km

It is advisable to vary the type of jogging from day to day. Then the jogging gets funnier and you get a variable type of training.


You should move slowly with little efforts the first few hundred meters to warm up your muscles. Then you gradually increase your muscular work and speed. When you have done half the route, you can take a speedy spurt using most of your capacity. If the route is long enough, you can take two or three spurts using nearly full capacity.The last hundred meters you gradually slow down again.


It is advisable to stretch out both before and after each jogging session, and not only the muscles in your feet, but your whole body 2 minutes before and 3-4 minutes after the session. When stretching out do the following movements:

* Bend forward and touch your toes.

* Kneel down on one of your feet, and stretch the other out backwards.

* Bend your body to both sides.

* Stretch out an arm, grab something, and turn your body round so that your arm is bent backwards.

* Shoot your abdomen foreword, so that your spinal column is stretched into a bow.

* Place your hands behind your neck and stretch your arms backwards. Then twist your body to left and right, also bend to each side.

After the jogging it is sometimes best to wait for some minutes before you stretch out, so that the worst tiredness has gone away first.


If jogging is the only sport activity done, a jogging session every second day is ideal. This is enough to give all the health benefits and increase your condition and endurance gradually, but without wearing yourself out. If you combine jogging by other types of sport activities, 2 times a week may be enough.
You should not be too hungry before jogging, but it is not advisable to take a jogging session straight after a big meal. The time of the day does not matter, but your jogging should not be the first thing you do in the morning.


If you are not accustomed to physical activity before you start jogging, it is advisable to consult a doctor before you start. You may have health issues that is not compatible with jogging activities, or that you must consider when doing your jogging.

The first times, you should only jog on plain ground and only for 10 minutes. Then you can increase the time, distance and speed, and choose steeper and more difficult paths.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND anti-aging supplements, medicines against acne, eczema, rosacea scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural medicines against heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:


Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt


How to Prevent Heart Disease and Circulatory Problems
By Knut Holt

Lifestyle factors cause most incidents of heart disease and diseases in the blood circulation, either wholly or partially. Bad lifestyle can cause blood vessels to be narrowed, high blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the circulatory system. These changes will themselves decrease the general condition and tissue health, and can cause more dramatic events like blod clots, heart infarction or stroke.

Here are some simple advices to avoid disease in the heart and blood vessels and to help regain good circulatory health if such disease already are present.

- Do not smoke or use any other types of nicotine sources. Smoking is perhaps the most potent cause of circulatory problems.

- Have some exercises at least every second day that make your heart work harder. Jogging, cycling, playing ball, swimming or other activities where you increase your energy consume are good for your blood circulation. The exercises should however be adjusted to your present health condition.

- Get enough sleep each 24 hours. All the sleep does not however need to occur during night. You can for example take out some of your need for sleep as a siesta in the middle of the day. 7 hours sleep seems to be the ideal for optimal circulatory health. Much more sleep seems to be bad for your blood circulation.

- Avoid a high amount of stress over a longer period. If there is something in your lifestyle or work that makes you stressed, you should make adjustments. Meditation is a good method to stress down.

- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do not add much oil, butter or other types of fat to your food. Do not consume much fast-food or ready made food that often contain great amount of added fat.

-Avoid altogether chemically altered fat, so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine and is often added to many types of cookies.

-Avoid great amounts of saturated fat, as found in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut products and butter.

- Still you need some fat. The fat you mostly need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found for example in fish, seafood and flax oil and omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and many types of nuts.

- Much of the fat you still choose to add to your food should be oils with mono-unsaturated fat like olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil can be added to get enough omega-3-fat. You can also use some soy oil, corn oils and other types of natural oils with a high content of omega-6-fat, but do not use too much of these to avoid over-consuming this type of fat.

- Avoid consuming great amounts of salt. Do not add much salt to the food you ccok, and do not eat great amounts of ready made salty food. When it is hot in the weather or you are in high physical activity, you will however need some more salt, and must consume some more than elswhere.

- Eat some nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds several times each week, since these food types give you fat valuable for your circulatory health.

- Eat fish at least every second day. Use lean meat, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood and lean diary products in the food you make.

- Consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates. Avoid adding great amounts of sugar to your food. Avoid consuming much sweet drinks, cookies and snacks with great amounts of sugar and other carbohydrates.

- Use carbohydrate sources that contain fibre and that let the carbohydrates be taken up over some time, for example full corn bread and cereals, beans, peas and fresh fruit.

- Eat vegetables and fruit to each meal in order to get enough vitamins, minerals, fibres and anti-oxidants. They should be raw or only gently cooked so that the content of nutrients is not washed out.

- A moderate alcohol consume is good for your blood circulation, especially red wine, but over-drinking has the opposite effect.

- Avoid excessive eating. Eating too much is not good for your blood circulation even though you eat sound food.

- Reduce excessive weight. The advices depicted above will often over time normalize your weight. If this is not enough you should carry through a more specific weight reduction program.

- If you suffer from diabetes, this disease should be well controlled.

- Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants may be useful. Also some herbal supplements containing adaptogenic factors can be useful, for example supplements based on ginseng or roseroot (Rhodiola rocea). Supplements are especially useful if it is difficult to achieve a wholly satisfactory diet, or you have extra stressful conditions in your life you cannot avoid.

The advices depicted above are not only good for your circulatory health, but will also help to avoid rheumatism, cancer and other types of diseases.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items.----TO FIND natural help against common diseases, for example: Heart problems, over-weight, acne, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hemorrhoids, joint pain, allergies, rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and more PLEASE VISIT: http://www.abicana.com/shop2.htm

---For supplements to prevent heart disease and other health problems, PLEASE VISIT


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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