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Happy Christmas and Merry New Year! -- Nicole, 16:43:49 01/07/02 Mon

LOL...so it's a little late. Who cares? Updates: Not many...I just want to thank the people who signed my G-Book since I last mentioned it: Dan, Sophia, Ellen, Luna, and LG. Thanx peoples, I really appreciate it!

I've also added a Stories section, so far only my so-called "novel" is up there, but I will add more ASAP!

I'm also thinking of making boards for the site...email me if you have any opinions on this.


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*Runs in* -- Nicole, 15:28:10 12/22/01 Sat

-Whoohooo!- Go check out my blog! I didn't feel like making a new layout for it, so I was lucky there was one semi-remotely-similar to this layout. I also added Linkishness, my links page. If you want to be linked, please email me and I'll try to get it up ASAP. All I ask in return is that you link to me! More updates: I updated the About Me section...no huge changes or anything of the sort though. I also put another article up in the Articles section, entitled "Memory Makers." Tell me what you think by signing my guestbook!

Now that I've got my blog up, this page is all updates, as you can probably tell.


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*Apologizes profusely for lack of updates* -- Nicole, 19:28:16 12/21/01 Fri

Not that anyone really cares...but oh well. It's been almost a month since I last updated this site. Well, I've been really busy this past month, what with school, riding, and whatnot. I've also been designing a few new sites, Arabiyans and Coast2Coast Productions.

Arabiyans is an experiment in designing better layouts for me. It uses an iFrame and a bit of CSS. When completed, it is going to be a horse site dedicated soley to the Arabian horse and its crosses (ie. National Show Horses, Pintabians, Anglo-Arabians, Quarabs, etc.). The layout is done; now I'm just trying to motivate myself to go do some research for the articles. If anybody would like to write me an article, please email me.

Coast2Coast Productions, when finished, will be a piccie personalizing studio owned by Amanda and me. I'm doing the layout with iFrames and CSS. More to come on both Arabiyans and C2C Productions.


Well, I did actually put one of my journalism articles up, *nods* and I will try to get another one up tonight. Also, I'm adding a blog so I don't do my blogging here. This is an UPDATES board, not a blog!

Well, that's it for now! *Runs off to go type up that article and try to figure out how to make the blog*


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Ahk! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile... -- Nicole, 20:30:43 11/24/01 Sat

Well, I was at my grandparents for Thanksgiving...it was fun ^_^. Anyways, they did have an internet connection, but I didn't get much of a chance to update here, so I'll do more tonight.


I think I'll put up a page with all my journalism articles on it. *Grin* I love showing off my "journalistic skills". I did get photos with all of them so far, but I don't think that I'll put them up since they do belong to the photographers.

Random Stuff

Ahk! My hair is now too short thanks to the hairdresser...*sniff* it barely touches my shoulders now. I keep alternating between loving it and hating it.

I am going to start staging a campaign to put my absolute favorite song on the KZLA Top 7 at 7 Countdown. Everybody, either log onto their website or call them at 1 (800) 797-1939 and request the song "Black Velvet" by Robin Lee. Yes I know I'm obsessed with country music.

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*Yay* I made an updates page! -- Nicole, 21:43:45 11/20/01 Tue

Yes...I know that I could have just made a page with all of them...but I like posting on message boards *grin*.


Let's see...I promise I'll scan in more piccies tonight and publish a couple more poems...I've got some started, but I'm not satisfied with them yet. I put a Guestbook up last week, and everybody, please go sign it!

Random Stuff

Thanks to Hannah and David for signing my guestbook! Yes, Hannah, I know I practically forced you to sign it, but I still appreciate it anyway! I didn't even ask David to sign my g-book, but he did anyways, so everybody go visit his site!

Also, I think I'll be starting a links page...if you would like me to link your site, please email me with the URL. All I ask in return is that you link back to me!

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