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Date Posted: 19:28:16 12/21/01 Fri
Author: Nicole
Subject: *Apologizes profusely for lack of updates*

Not that anyone really cares...but oh well. It's been almost a month since I last updated this site. Well, I've been really busy this past month, what with school, riding, and whatnot. I've also been designing a few new sites, Arabiyans and Coast2Coast Productions.

Arabiyans is an experiment in designing better layouts for me. It uses an iFrame and a bit of CSS. When completed, it is going to be a horse site dedicated soley to the Arabian horse and its crosses (ie. National Show Horses, Pintabians, Anglo-Arabians, Quarabs, etc.). The layout is done; now I'm just trying to motivate myself to go do some research for the articles. If anybody would like to write me an article, please email me.

Coast2Coast Productions, when finished, will be a piccie personalizing studio owned by Amanda and me. I'm doing the layout with iFrames and CSS. More to come on both Arabiyans and C2C Productions.


Well, I did actually put one of my journalism articles up, *nods* and I will try to get another one up tonight. Also, I'm adding a blog so I don't do my blogging here. This is an UPDATES board, not a blog!

Well, that's it for now! *Runs off to go type up that article and try to figure out how to make the blog*


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