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Subject: We need to do something.

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Date Posted: 07:18:35 09/02/02 Mon

Alright... so Gozer has left us on our own. I say we try to make a new site and start from scratch so we can do whatever we want with the board. But do we keep it like this or change it? Here are my ideas for cool RPGs no one ever does....

1) Make up our own Final Fantasy or rewrite an old one like 7. What I mean is give the same problem as in 7 but change the characters and let them do what they want.

2) Metal Gear Solid) i don't know about you guys but this would be really cool to me. We could have different teams and one person on the be dungeon master or whatever and give the teams missions and throw scenarios at them. Technicaly we wouldnt have to name it Metal Gear. I think we could think of something else...

3) Just an everyday fantasy or sci-fi rpg. I dont like these because they tend to get a little weird and everyone seems to want to be a vampire or something.... Kinda creeps me out.

4) Outlaw Star) We wouldnt have to change our story much for this but its going to be one big universe. Not to mention all the Races out there. I just dont want vampires running around and Ill be fine.

5)Resident Evil) think of the Metal Gear one. Only with zombies and more people dying.

and those are just some ideas Ill post more later. i just think a change of story would help everyone one right now. We could attract some new members and give us some ideas because were stuck right now. Anyway Ill cya later.

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Re: We need to do something.Cupid01:29:04 09/04/02 Wed

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