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Subject: The heroe type

Cupid (The villans)
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Date Posted: 14:45:58 09/22/02 Sun
In reply to: Shinto Keshan 's message, "Re: Just Grander" on 02:19:09 09/22/02 Sun

"Hmph." Lars grunts as he steadily raises the rifle to line up with his target. As pulls the trigger, everything goes into slow motion as the ejector rockets back and releases a shell casing. Shinto was climbing up the rope when the bullet had hit him in his right shoulder.

Sirens and broken bulbs flashed inside Eressa's cockpit as she randomly pulled levers and pushed buttons, sparks flew every time she entered a new command. Still strapped into the flight seat staring out the broken winshield, the tattered remains of the burning beach house grew closer with lightening speed. "My ex had a beach house.." She muttered as the craft smashed into the first floor. Gasping for air while the restraints sufficated her on impact.

Briefly peering over to the smoke trail the ship had left behind, Lars saw and explosion in the rubble. Looking back to Shinto he fired several more shots at the rear thrusters of his ship. One at a time they ricocheted until two penetrated the device, releasing pitch black smoke. The tall hulk of a man smiled and lowered his rifle, walking toward crash site.

Eressa's forhead had a large gash in it and one of her left arm was limp, she was still buckled up. "Hi.." she mumbled as Lars unfastened her seat belt and picked her up. The blood trickled down over her eye patch. He held her with his one arm and she grasped him with hers.

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Re: God danm, holes in the ship!SHinto Keshan02:50:43 09/23/02 Mon

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