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Date Posted: 16:27:40 10/13/05 Thu
Author: arsenio
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: catholics representation in the 21 century Supreme Court.
In reply to: arsenio 's message, "catholics representation in the 21 century Supreme Court." on 16:19:54 10/13/05 Thu

>Has it occured to anyone that the current (10/2005)
>Soupream Cort is replete with justusus of the catholic
>Newsflash Harriet Ellan Meirs is a born again
>christian, who was until (according to rumors)20 years
>ago a catholic! Here we have another ball being set up
>to go in the corner pocket (pardon my english, or
>May I enquire from the thinking person. Who is really
>control in the District of Columba? Or maybe it's
>Vespuccia? Or the Untied States, as a bill signing
>session on Capito Hill where Bill$ Clinton passed out
>pens emblazoned with that moniker. How could such an
>blunder have occured? Case in point; Who is minding
>the store?
>Where is the Protestant Work Ethic now a days? When I
>first heard of the concept,(1984-1985)I was taking
>Sociology 101 @ City College. Now 20 years hence our
>nation is being prepared for the Image of the Beast!
>Why are justusus Kennedy, Thomas, Scalia, and the
>Grand (young) Pubba, Roberts, all catholics? And our
>Politically Correct JudeoChristian wyles away the
>hours debating about Roe vs Wade (I'm not a boxing
>fan, but I must concede it's been a hellavu fight), or
>the standard gibberish a la Limbaugh, Conservatives vs
>Liberals. Where are the thinking people of our
>nation? Has Vatican II influenced you too? Let's call a
>spade a spade, and if it looks like a duck, it's a
>duck! What's the matta for you? Capito...Capite...My
>question to America or U.S. is, when are people going
>to begin to smell what the rock is cooking? If there
>were 5 Jehovah's Witnesses in a federal court there
>would be a public outcry. Or perhaps if there were 5
>Southern (closer to the sun belt)Baptists would anyone
>suspect a conspiracy. Yet in the last few months what
>I have witnessed is mind boggling; Yet not a peep from
>Joe Sixpack or Plain Jane. What's up? Was 1984 such
>a farfetched concept or Alice in Wonderland? What we
>have here is a faliure to communicate. I'll rest my
>case by quoting the line from Cool Hand Luke: I'm
>shaking it, Sir.

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