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Subject: nd the was the "WORD"

Onkgopotse "KRS"
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Date Posted: 09:00:39 07/06/02 Sat

towards the end a new light was seen,a new song was sung,the spoken word like no other before or after shall be heard the word-KWAITO.
thank u,X-team for a good site,the articles a good,and the graphics r wicked,i X-treemely enjoyed your Kwaito articles.
Our generation of Techno-Magimbosi,need a new mic for us to break it down,and X-treeme is the begining of the Eternal frontier.
godz peace on your mind.
Onkgopotse "KRS" Motlhanke

p.s.Hook-up the chat site it dont work!

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Date Posted: 01:45:41 12/12/01 Wed

Ela-ela TOKOLLO, KABELO le ZWAI what do you think you're doing? Even hip-hop USA, or anywhere else in the world you may have copied that funky behavior from, would have beef with the way you handled yourselves at the Sprite Soul Comedy Jam. I mean, ya-well your latest album sucks for sure (and as artists you should know that you can't always come up with a best seller), instead of impressing the not-so-easy-to-please Mzansi fans - you done went and used obscene language that would make monks & nuns want to retaliate with worse than mother-f****r, you pissed them off, I mean how L-O-W can you really go, and you did'nt even bother to apologise. Don't get me wrong here, I am a hardcore TKZee fan - and I believe I am entitled to constructive criticsm every once in a while, you know! Despite the creativity - in your previous albums of course, the immense talent and your hardwork; the South African made you...

I ain't mad at ya, guess you were just trying to be innovative. DAHH!

Jeislik, you people have set a standard now own up

(so sayeth the man from a softdrink TV commercial).

One luv still...

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Subject: Wuz' Up South Africa?

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Date Posted: 04:16:06 12/10/01 Mon

I'd like to ask all X-treeme.co.za's surfers' opinions on the rape scurge S.A. is facing at the moment. I mean, it is senseless to read about old man raping kids aged 5/9 months. What seems to be the problem and what can we as citizens of S.A do to prevent such sick inhuman acts from being commited. I urge all to voice out their opinions and fight this unrully behaviour. Aren't our young brothers and sisters safe anymore?

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Subject: Wassup Sean

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Date Posted: 12:43:11 11/26/01 Mon

Bro, do u hear what ur sayin man. I mean have u heard the stuff from big "O"s disc man, that's some real phat originally(in every way) South African stuff. What about the track by mshoza. There might be a collectieve regulars putting some mad trax on offer, but to say all are whack is somewhat taking away the credit from those select few who burn some real hot trax on disc. While we @ it, since u got such an ear for good sounds, why not put up some stuff urself. U might end up a legend...
...who knows. -brock

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Subject: The Local Music Dillema

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Date Posted: 03:49:48 11/24/01 Sat

I'd like to motivate our local musicians in that what South Africa has heard this summer is not at all impressive. Not one artists has managed to come up with a stricking album for the summer of 2001. What seems to be the problem. Come on guyz, give us something to rave about. Peace....!

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