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Subject: Re: HELP !!! seized caliper on 72 fastback

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Date Posted: 16:08:56 04/16/05 Sat
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In reply to: steve 's message, "HELP !!! seized caliper on 72 fastback" on 00:43:20 04/10/05 Sun

>can anyone help me as my fastback is poorly. the
>problem is the near side caliper has stuck/seized
>closed so the pads are in constant contact with the
>disks. the seal on the caliper is cracked and as a
>whole the whole unit looks past it.i have tried to
>free it gently and bleed the brakes ect but still
>nothing,has any one had this problem before and could
>help, if not, can anyone tell me where to get new
>calipers .i have looked through most catalouges (gsf ,
>cool air , status ect) and can only find beetle
>calipers that will fit >71 type 3s .are the cross over
>calipers for 72> or do you have to source specific
>type 3 parts.any help would be great. steve , devon

It is possible to rebuild. Buy a seal kit, pop the pistons out (take the brake pads out and use the hydraulic pressure from your foot on the brake pedal. If you find one piston moves and the other doesn't , jam a screwdriver between the piston and the disc of the free one and press the pedal again a few times. this should force the seized piston out). Clean out the caliper and remove any rust with fine wet and dry paper. Lubricate with red grease and reassemble with the new seals. Don't forget to use copper slip when reasembling the brake pads. Enjoy!

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