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Subject: |+| Duae o' Canis, Combinare o' Mas und Feminius |+|

Aquarius und Incendium
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Date Posted: 21:03:17 01/02/02 Wed

=A melody trilled from parted labrums, dancing 'pon die Arctic gales. Mournful tones o' forgotten lands, echoing off die snow-capped mountains. Two mates combined in song, made into one vith ballad o' grace. Octaves carry o'er terra, reaching die sensative lobes o' creatures many. No sight o' die duo is seen unter die vatchful eye o' Luna, but vith one melody their prescence has been made known o'er dis frozen land. With die ebon' shadows, die canine shall retreat. Mayhaps vith die coming o' die rising Sol 'cross die land o' frost, der pelt shall also shine as die duo investigates und explores die terra o' ice...=

((die is pronounced as dee, its germish, just btw :)))

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