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Subject: =Experiance=

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Date Posted: 03:02:59 01/07/02 Mon
In reply to: Kay & Co. 's message, "*glance*" on 02:08:28 01/07/02 Mon

=Femme moves vith speed und grace 'cross terra vith sparse emerald tendrils, charging at mount und two legged kind as die demoness used to ven chasing carabui 'cross die ice und snow, as vell as herding the onery bucks o' die pronghorns. Experianced hellion uses her small stature to the best o' her ability, changing directing often and quickly. As steed approaches she vears off to die side, having them follow her as die femme approach the paddocks vhere die horses are kept. Anger lifts slightly, replaced by die joy o' die chase. Die rails o' die paddock are approached rapidly und bod' is flattened towards ground in an instant before femme is inside. Speed is not reduced, but is constant as she races on....=

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Subject Author Date
eep, sorry about the echo (NT)I11:44:43 01/07/02 Mon
*growl*Kay & Co.18:07:07 01/07/02 Mon

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