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Subject: =Pity she ain't no fox in Springtime..=

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Date Posted: 00:17:01 01/08/02 Tue

=Hellion moves vith grace through die pens vhere equus dvell, maw slightly open in canine grin as oxygen ist taken in. As mounted steed passes o'er close to 6ft high gate, vith nothing holding two-legged kind on, slight surprise is taken, but tis nothing to verry about. Joy run continues, keeping steady distance from die equine as 'nother fence is approached. Distance between steed und canis is reduced on purpose as idea is thought up. Mischievous grin crosses features as bod' is flattened for die ability to cross unter rails. Taking in consideration the agile flight o' die equus and the legth between strides o' she an' other, as she crosses gate, she vatches as steed also crosses o'er. Speed is completly reduced in halt as mass is spun on heels, canine propels herself back unter die rail at sudden burst o' momentum, following different trail to die buildings o' die farm...=

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*pity guns weren't invented yet...* (j/k)Kay & Cobalt01:18:35 01/08/02 Tue

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