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Subject: !ALL HUMANS IN!

Ashleigh & Playa
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Date Posted: 23:32:02 01/15/02 Tue

((OOC: OK! We all can actually ride our horses out into the hrose are's and capture horses that way too. I'm so forgetful I forgot! lol! NE I thought we all should know this, and I Ashleigh am going to be leaving the farm in a couple days to go on a horse hunt lol! If NE 1 wants to join say so now!!))

[ Female, after seeing bella ƒame was settling with other easily, strolls t'wards the barns, entering. Padding down the aisle she comes to a halt at the tack and equipment room. Heading in she get's her western saddle down with pads. Setting it on a wooden rack she sit's down beginning to clean and buff it softly with special soap and a damp cloth. After finishing she cleans the girth well and then the bridle. Saving the blankets for the wash she finds the saddle bags and set's them behind the saddle on the wooden rack. Opening both sides she begins to pack in rope lot's of it, and gloves, parka, a first aid kit, and a water bottle. Sighing she wanders over to the feed bins and fills 1 bucket full of grain and fills 3 buckets with cold water. Getting out the hay she gathers a large clump of it. Setting this aside she leaves it for tomorrow, when she would set out to scout for suitable horses. Returning outside she glances around for either Tristen, Kay, Shannon, or Drake. ]

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I willDrake & NimbleFoot23:59:15 01/15/02 Tue

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