The Keeper - Keep Sake
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Date Posted: 03:13:40 01/25/02 Fri
Dark coffee hued hellion gazed down 'pon reeking humans. Auds twitch 'bout skull, keen oculli alert with interest. Attention drifts to solemn dam, squealing bugles 'mitting into atmosphere, brute raising 'pon back kelsons, pestering dam to some degree. Frame settles once more, almost year beastling, prancing from saftey o' treeline, ready to test boundries with e'ery voice o' authority, much like a rowdy teen. Skull tosses, stealth like motions animating. Brute propells down to pen, frame prancing 'bout fence line, teasing screams 'mitting. Skull pops threw fencing, savage nips placed 'pon any equine in reaching range. Skull retracts, self charing back t'wards dam, back erupting into buck, filling plume o' raven snapping to and fro. A little hellion has erupted from Angelic dam...
Dam o' little beast snorts, ivories baring as offspring pesters s'e from grazing. Skull drops once more to Earth, paying no heed to brujo's antics. 'Pon noticing buck had sauntere t'wards humans, screaming cry 'mits. Stupid gremlin! 'E knew no dangers. 'Pon little savage returning, angelic dam shoves 'e in direction o' home. For now, lessons twere to begin. Sooner or later, dam and son twere to return, this time dam twould be school little daemon 'bout dangers o' mortal men.
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