Incendium & Aquarius
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Date Posted: 11:46:40 01/29/02 Tue
In reply to:
fox pups
's message, "~Hungry~" on 07:14:51 01/29/02 Tue
=As young onez approach ze femme and begin to suckle, lobez are flatten'd to skull, slight jump 'vay from pupz, iv'ry caninez unsheath'd. Yet no other move o' hostile. Thornz rise as iv'riez sheath and mass ist mov'd forward to ze pupz, allowing them to nurse...=
=Massive male approachez trio, narez fluttering with scentz o' young duo. Instinctz inform he that they are not his young and that he should kill them, as vould his ancenstorz. Lobez flatten to ze skull o' ze usually patient und stable mas, caninez glinting in sunlight, rumbling deep vithin chest emitt'd...=
=Ebon' und iv'ry vixen emittz own growl, this time tow'ardz he. These pupz vere her's now, he could not hurt them vith out getting past here...=
=Twinz rise, hostilness eras'd as boar goes to mate'z side, content, maw plac'd 'pon back o' she in gentle touchez. He did not know pupz, but if fem vould protect them, so vould he...=
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