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Subject: |=| Fear...|=|

Aquarius und Incendium
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Date Posted: 14:50:07 02/18/02 Mon

...|+| Duo o' Canis 'proach two-legg'd development, female lagg'ng greatly as Mas runz back und forth 'tween ze two. Crimson und clear fluid coatz ze female'z obsidian und iv'ry pelt, her large abdomen tender to even ze breath o' ze wind. Obsidian poolz iv'ry-lin'd, beat o' heart high, breath drawn in slow raspz. Mascu knowz not vhat to do, something ist very wrong. Neither sure vhat drawz them to an earlier place o' hatr'd, sustinence, und teas'ng they do come, in crawl'ng pace. Vixen'z once elegant plume ist held 'tween hind quarterz, thornz laid down. Just 'fore first human build'ng ist reach'd female shrieks vith pain, collaps'ng 'pon ze soil'd ground, shiverz runn'ng up und down spine. Mas hurriez to side o' she, yet ist driven 'vay by flash'ng caninez, he stayz back, whimper'ng slightly as 'nother whelp o' pain ist emitt'd...=

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