Subject: [. Dark Rose .] |
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Date Posted: 22:30:39 03/14/02 Thu
.: Dark Rose :.
[. Young fem silently settled 'pon leather saddle, rough and beaten. Long finger nails pick at the dirt t'ween the cracks of her worn saddle, petite frame leaning forward, hand soothing mane of her mount, albino filla Zombie. Girl rode beastess forwards, spotting 'home'. Pushing albino mount into trot, she sat steadfast, raven locks licking past her shoulders, though no farther then mid-back. Stopping mount, she slides from the worn leather seat. Hands dust her rump off, and stretches her thin, lanky legs. Full lips curl into smile, as she pulls her saddle bags from her filla. Placing a tender pat on Zombie's shoulder, she takes the worn rope riens in her hands, leading the femora into an empty paddock. Untacking the white beast, she removes the hackney bridle, shooing her forward to stretch and be 'free', in the confines of the pen. Cradling her saddle and bridle in her arms, she settled them on posts, and then dragged her bags inside the cabin. Once all that twas complete, girl scanned the landscape for another human. It didn't bother her much if they weren't there, she lived on her own for much too long to care. Still, it would be nice to have some company other then just the horses. .]
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