Subject: A Beginning |
Alexis Renee
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Date Posted: 23:31:22 11/27/01 Tue
Alexis walked the halls of the ship she commenderred, she was good at getting the things she wanted. and this ship would begin her personal mission to locate Mizari, she had found the records of a Captain of Dragonian race, her goal was to locate him, and find out what he knows about their people.
Locating him would not be hard, getting him alone in order to talk to him would be, she will have to kid nap him, knowing her Kind he will not go peaceably.
Her Skills will aid the task, and the ship being equiped as it is will also help in this task.
Her first move is to find a Crew that she can Trust.
She moved into her quarters, and started gong through personel files, past and present.
Haveing very few crew, Alexis wanting to get underway replaced the Missing crew with holograms.
Alexis: Helm Take us out of Dock.
Helm: Aye Sir. proceeding out of dock thrusters only. (A Few minutes passed and the hologram spoke again)
Clear of Dry Dock Sir.
Alexis: Set a Course for the Last known postion of the Tayani and prepare to engage The TWSS Drive.
Helm: Course Laid in, and TWSS Drive is online.
Alexis: Engage!
Helm: Drive engaged, Slipstream stable, Time to arivel 3 hours 37 minutes.
Alexis: good, Sinea you have the Bridge, inform me when we Arrive...
Sinea: =A=Bridge to Renee, Sir were Approching the Tayani=A=
*Alexis Steps out onto the Bridge And takes her Seat*
Alexis: Helm Engage Cloak, and Bring us out of Slip Stream.
Helm: Aye Sir. Were coming out of Slip Stream.
Alexis: The Cloak!?
Helm: Not Responding.
Alexis: Ops! Whats Wrong?!
Operations: Cloak is Engaged Sir, Helm Entered the Wrong Sequence.
Alexis: Helm. You are reliefed. Security, Were we detected?
Security: Yes. they have raised shields. But they can no longer detect us.
Alexis: Helm. Change our position.
Helm: Aye Sir.
Security: Sir were transmitting a Message!
Alexis: Where is it Coming From!?
Security: Locating... The Signal was masked give me a minute to trace it.
Alexis: What was the Message?
*The Message Played over the Bridge Comm System*
=A=You must Locate the USS Honor Bond by unusale means before the next phase.
If you fail, (and you will fail) then the future of your Captain is uncertan...
Begin your Search... =A=
Alexis: WHO Sent that Message!?
Security: Localizing it. *The Security Officer looked up in shock* The XO's Station.
Alexis: Sinea? *Alexis walked over and looked at the XO station.* Security Please thhe XO Under Arrest. Take her to the Confrence room.
*Two Security Guards Escourted the XO To the Confrence room by the Captains order*
Alexis: Dim the Light's I Dont want anyone to beable to see the Bridge from the view screen, and Open Hailing Frequency's. *The Lights went dim by the time Alexis Finished speaking*
Security: Open Sir.
Alexis: *Stood and Moved into the Light so only she could be seen* "Captain Michael Dragon of the Federation Starship Tayani, I am Alexis Renee, Commanding Officer of the USS Honor Bond, Please forgive our first message it was sent without my Authurisation. You need not fear me, I am not here to destroy you or your ship. I only wish to speak with you, in Person.
Will you Come aboard my Vessel?"
*Dragon looks up at the viewscreen and slowly walks towards the center of the Bridge Attempting to look directly into the woman's eyes*
Dragon:*Takes a Deep breath and looks to the viewscreen than to his crew*
*Nods to T'ale who was looking at him as if thow about to relieve him of command and stop him from going in anyway that She could, yet he felt a strange darkness inside a familure one and speaking to whomever this was somehow connected with it. He nodded to the viewscreen*
Dragon: "I will but answer this one Question"
Alexis: "Because I need some information from you"
Dragon: *nods*"I'm a man of my word I'll board you ship within the hour.. But I warn you no tricks."
Alexis: *Nods* "In one Hour then, we await your arrivel Captain."
*Alexis Steps back into the Shadows of her Bridge, and Starts Giving Orders*
Alexis: Helm. Change our Position, Security Have the Transporter room prepare to Beam their Captain over, And come with me to the Confrence Room...
Security: Aye Sir.
*Alexis And the Security Chief Step off the Bridge to begin Interagating the XO*
~To Be Continued~
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