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Subject: Double Dragon

Alexis Renee
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Date Posted: 23:56:42 11/27/01 Tue

{{Transporter room 1}}

Alexis *entered* "Chief do you have the coordanents to the fragments?"

TC: "Aye sir, and there locked in and ready to go"

Alexis: *Moved to a Phaser storage cabnet removing and handing one to Each member of the away team, with K'vaj's objection to Dragon having a Phaser, Alexis Silenced him with a single look* "Now is Everyone Ready?"

Dragon: "I'm about as ready as I'll ever be."

Alexis: *steps on the transporter padd, follwed by her officers,* "Energize!"

*The Transporter Chief began the transport as normal, half way through a power surge struck the Console, Blending all the patterns together, Unable to complete the transport without killing everyone the TC worked quickly to seperate the patterns.*

{{ Planet }}

Dragon: *Appeared on the surface noticing he was on his knees and a searing pain in his head he attempted to rise to his feet, yet found it in vain. He slowly looked over the area as much as he could doing a visual scan, and noticed a dark figure crouched down to the ground his back arched in the air, next to him at the position where K'vaj insisted to be to make sure Dragon didn't do anything. and turned to it only to find a tahered Federation uniform mixed with all sorts of variations between what Dragon wore and K'vaj as well. Dragon turned to his Phaser but before he could react the figure intercepted and stol it from it's holster Drawing the weapon and standing at full alert as he pointed it at Dragon and pulled the trigger nothing happened for K'vaj made certain the Phaser is Dragon's hand be discharged of all energy making it a good bapper but nothing more then that.*

*K'vaj reached for his own phaser to find it missing, He threw the discharged phaser away, and began circling Dragon, preparing to fight him.* "Draghon pujwI' You will not have her"

Dragon: *Ignoring the pain yet Growling at it rose to his feet and looked at the Dark figure attempting to see it';s face but noticing it being Sundown for The Planet, and took his Martial arts stance of the Tiger and ready'd himself for a fight as he said "tlhIngan DogH" *Stops* That was in Klingon. I Don't speak klingon." *Alexis's comm beeps*

TC: =/\="Captain, sir. Did you make it down Ok?" =/\=

Alexis: materlizes alone unsure of her location. She hears K'vaj nearby and heads in that direction when her Comm Beeps*Hearing the TC's Message she responds* =A= Yes, TC a Rough landing but Im ok, is Everyone Accounted for on Sensers?=A=

TC: =/\= "Everyone Except Captain Dragon, He's recovering in sickbay." =/\=

Alexis: *catching Sight of K'vaj she neared the Clearing where they were and see's Dragon ready to fight, and Maverick Passed out off to the side she stops at TC's Responce* "=A= TC you certin Dragon is there?=A=

TC: =A= "Positive, sir. He was injured during the Beam down and immediatly Transported to the Medical Bay." =A=

Alexis =A= TC, you had better double Check because Dragon is Here! =A=

TC: =A= "I'm certain he's in Sickbay, sir. I Transported him from the pad while unconcious personally after The incidant occured." =A=

Alexis: =A= Then Why am I looking at him Down Here!? TC What the hell is going on up there? =A=

TC: =A= "I'm trying to find out sir. But I'm telling you whoever that is, is not Captain Dragon." =A=

Alexis: walked around the clearing and checked on Maverick then turned her attention to K'vaj, and The Figure that Looked like Dragon* "K'vaj! Cease this now!"

K'vaj: "Silence parmaq!"

Alexis: "tammoH Qo'!"

*Before Alexis could finish her sentence, Someone in black showed up behind her and grabed her putting a phaser to her neck, within seconds more Opertives in black appered surrounding them, each with a phaser pointed at K'vaj and Dragon. the leader followed shortly, he walked between his men, and Dragon, to Alexis*

Talon: "Well well, we meet again Alex"

Alexis: "What ever your planning it wont work"

Talon: "oh but it has worked, I have you, and Dragon, I have already won, Once your Dead, and Dragons memories are erasied, we will forget all about this little adventure of yours."

*K'vaj upon hearing the plans, leaped from his stance into Talon. knocking him down and distracting the others who raised there Phasers, Alexis, Feeling the Grip on her losen by what just occured used the opertunity, she Punched the opertive that had her and grabed his Phaser, Looking up to see three opertives fire upon K'vaj, she set the phaser to wide beam and yelled to Dragon to get down, Firing the weapon she stunned the opertives the were standing, Missing only Talon, who stood pointing his Phaser at Alexis, who was in the same stance, with the Phaser pointed at Talon.*

Talon: "Looks Like I underestamated your Klingon,"

Dragon: "You underestamted alot more then that" *Dragon, had Picked up a Phaser dropped by one of the Opertives, Pointing it at Talon.*

Alexis: "Your out numbered, Its best if you surrender now"

Talon: "alex alex alex, you should know me by now, I dont surrender to anyone,"

Alexis: "Your Choice Talon, Drop your Phaser or Die"

Talon: "If I die, im taking you with me"

Maverick: *Had awoken from the comotion* "Dont be to sure Talon" *He stepped between them, With his phaser drawn*

Talon: "You have brave officers Alex, you picked them well"

Alexis: "Surrender Talon!"

Talon: "Not today" *Talon was transported off the Planet with the Stunned officers, Leaving the Damage done*

Alexis: "Damn! I should have Killed him," *She walked over to K'vaj, who now lay dead from the Phaser fire She kneeled beside him,* "=A= Renee to Honor Bond=A=

SCO: =A= Honor Bond here Captain whats going on, we lost you on sensers=A=

Alexis: "=A= It was an ambush, K'vaj is dead, =A=

SCO: =A= Im sorry sir =A=

Alexis: "=A= Get us back to the Ship, Four to beam up Now!=A="

SCO =A= Aye Sir =A=

*Having heard of the Ambush, the TC beamed Everyone to Sickbay, including the Corpse of K'vaj*

(( Med Bay ))

CMO: Captain! What happend? K'vaj?

Alexis: "CMO Prepare his Body for burial, and Check out the Away team members, make sure nothing was picked up while we were down there, I will be in my quarters"

*Alexis Left the Med bay before the CMO could insist that she stay and be checked out herself, she stopped in the hall looking at her reflection on the panel on the wall, her Hair was out of place, and her uniform a little messed up, she straitend it, and proceeded to her quarters*

CMO: "I Wish she would stop doing that" *The CMO Called over to have two medic's carry K'vaj into the other room, he then looked to one of the two remaining figures* "Maverick, Please have a seat on the Exam table. And you *looking toward Dragon* Wait What are you doing up? I told you to lay down, I dont want to sedate you again."

Dragon: *Blinks at the CMO* "what?" with a puzzeled expression. "I've been on the planet's surface.." *Witnesses the Medics carry a lifeless K'vaj away and shakes his head as he starts towards the corridor.*

CMO: Hold up you. What do you mean you been on the Planet' surfice? I put you on Bio bed one Myself, *The CMO Looks over to the bio bed, and sees Dragon laying there still sedated* What the Hell!? ok ok, You Dragon or who ever you are, take a seat on Exam Table two, We will figure this out in a minute. *The CMO then Leaves to Call the Captain back*
Dragon: "What the....." He states as he peers at the man on the bio-bed. *Shakes his head and continues towards the corridor not noticing his attempt to follow Alexis*

CMO: *Stops Dragon before he exits the Door* "The Exam table is over there, Please Cooperate I dont want to have to call Security"

Dragon: *Ignores the CMo's Attempts to stop him.*

CMO: "Why does no one Listen to me? Computer Locate Dragon, and secure him with a force field"

Computer: *beeps severial times and fails the request* "Unable to Comply"

CMO: "Explain?"

Computer: *Beeps again* "Unable to comply, Dragons Location unverfiable"

CMO: "Overide verify Autherisation CMO beta 2 gamma"

Computer: "Autherisation Accecpted two locations confirmed, Initalizing Force Fields"

CMO: "Two Locations?" *the Computer Inialized A Force Field around both Dragons,* "What the.... Computer What is Dragons Location?"

Computer: "Beeps agaun severial times then gives both locations at once* "Dragon is Located in ttuhreb oMleidf tbaoyne"

CMO: *Taps his Combadge* CMO to Security, Dragon has Left sickbay, Were having trouble locating him with the Computer, he should be held by a force field."

Security: =A= Only force Field we got is in sickbay doctor, perhaps your mistaken =A=

CMO: "Look there is two of them, and one is on the Lose and I dont know what his intentions are, just Locate him!"

Security: =A= Yes Sir =A=

CMO: *Taps his Comm badge again* "CMO to Renee"

Alexis: =A= Renee Here, What is it Doc? =A=

CMO: "Captain We have a problem I sugest you come to Med bay"

Alexis: =A= *Sighs* On my Way =A=

Dragon: *Started down the corridors. walking about the ship completely surprised he knew where he was and where he's going, as he walked around the ship and headed down the main corridor about to enter the Turbolift. He stopped at the main doors upon hearing.

Computer: "ACCESS Denied .Turbolift system Sealed from this deck."

Dragon: *Growled silently as he heard the message and took to the com panel and entered an 8 digit code into the panel*

Computer: "ACCESS Granted.." "Turbolift currently in use."

Dragon: *Growled another low level irritated sound at the panel and entered another code into the panel*

Computer: "Turbolift Transportation has been bypassed and sent to deck 6.

*The turbolift Arrives and opens*

Lamar: "Working on an open panel trying to explan the malfuction in the turbolift and its redirection looked up at Dragon as the doors opened, he had not yet received word that they were looking for him* " Captain Dragon Sir!" *He Salutes* "Im Sorry Sir" *He replaces the Panel* "Is there anything I can help you find Sir?"

Dragon: *Nods slowly to Lamar* "Is there something wrong with that panel?"

Lamar: "No Sir, I was just checking for a malfuction, its working properly now"

Dragon: *nods* "Then you may tlheD now."

Lamar: *Gave Dragon a puzzled look and stepped out of the Turbolift passing Dragon as he stepped in, when his Comm Badge Chimed* "Lamar here"

Security: =A= Lamar! Where are you, you supposed to be here on deck 2=A=

Lamar: "Im sorry Sir, I ran into Captain Dragon he needed the Turbolift"

Security: =A= Dragon? Hes the One your Looking for, wernt you informed? =A=

Lamar: "No Sir, But i got him he's on Deck 6 " *he turned and pulled his phaser as the Doors closed* "Damn he's in turbolift one"

Security: =A= Ok were dispatching a Team, Security out =A=

Dragon: *Bashes his hand into the panel and rips out the LCARS interface on the front, Revealing alot of circutry and wiring. He then took a few chips out and the light on the lift dimmed as he ripped out a small red flashing light and threw it to the floor and stomped it. Realizing it was the Turbolift's Tracer. Overlooking all the circutry he took one yellow wire and ripped it apart he then took a red one and did the same. both wires being live he conncted the seperated red end with the yellow and same with the other halves.* * The turbolift now with a sparking panel inside was now very dim inside and speeding throught the ship as it made it's way somewhere that Dragon knew where to go too, but had no idea what it was*

Security: =A= Security to Engineering, We have to Locate turbolift one, can you lock it down and give its location =A=

Engineering: =A= "Yes, hold on.."*In the back ground* "What the Hell! Sir the turbolift isnt registering, its like it isnt even there" "It has to be, turbolifts don't just disappear, cut the power to the shaft and locate it on internal sensers!" "I can't sir, the controls have been overided." "Cut the Power!" "I Can't not from here, I have to get to the EPS relays on deck 10" "Im sorry Security its going to take some time to get the Lift shut down."=A=

Security =A= "Understood, Keep on it, Security out" =A=

*The Turbolift slowly came to a halt and the doors opened*

Dragon: *Stepped off the lift bout as casual as ever and ducked behind a nearby archway to someones Quarters as a Security patrol passed by a small compliment of 2 officers. He stepped out from the shadows as they passed and disarmed one with a Basic Combat skill and dodge the other one who pulled her weapon and fired at him. He dodged the blast and dove into the jeffries tubes. Luckily not being hit by a phaser set to kill. He scurried about the tubes for awhile and came across a small intersection..*

Dragon: *Completely surprised at how he knew the ship's layout*

Leigh *Taps her Combadge* "Adams to Security, We've spotted Dragon, he's on deck two, in the jeffries tubes, and he's armed"

Security: =A= Good, All Teams Converge on Deck two via the Jeffries tubes, Security Lockouts Engaged,=A=

*Alexis, Arrives in the Med bay*

Alexis: Whats Going on Doc?

CMO: Well well, Look whos back..

Alexis: "Will Someone tell me what is going on Now!? and Why you have a man hunt out for Dragon? And Why you Called me Down here!?"

CMO: "Well I called you down here because we have a Problem, And Two Dragons, Mr Dragon up here,"*pointing to the on standing on the Table with a phaser pointed at everyone* "Decided to take off, hence the Man hunt, I told him to stay but no one Listens to Me!"

Alexis: "Enough! Dragon get down! And Give me That phaser!"*Holds out her Hand*

CMO: "Captain are you sure you should be doing that?"

Alexis: "Be quiet Doctor!, now check him out, find out what happend to him, and why there is two fo them"

CMO: "Not while he's got that Phaser I aint going near him"

Dragon: *Shakes his head slowly & ejects the power pack to the phaser before handing it too Alexis*

Alexis: *Takes the Phaser* "Power pack to."*Holding out her hand again*

Dragon: *Picks the pack off the table and hands it too Alexis* "Well this is one Helluva day. Someone wanna tell me why I'm in these Threadz? I didn't beam down in them."

~To be continued~

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